Honestly I don't think any poll before October means anything. People are fickle.
Nah...we eatin.Don't stoop to these Trump degenerate troll level of overshooting and misunderstanding poll results.
They are clowns...the rest of us are tempered and intelligent.
The Bushes are firmly in your camp now. Y'all are welcoming them with open arms. "USA! USA! USA!"
He knows loss is coming, already getting the excuses ready -
Trump: 'Afraid' Election is 'About to be Rigged'
Trump: 'Afraid' Election is 'About to be Rigged'
And yes, Hillary got a nice bump from polls (see Real Clear Politics) betting sites shes at 70% and Nate Silver site, Hillary with 82% chance if it was today, the normal one 63.3% - http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/
That's how I imagine Satan to look.