Trump's self-destruction has begun

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Its a typo. Furthermore this magazines editorial opinion isnt a dictionary. That is more of a typo. Please find out the historical definiton of a neo liberal and tell me how Trump, who wants to get rid of government departments in favor of mass privatization, is less of a neo liberal than Clinton
A 4600 word well sourced article is a typo? Get some sleep, man. The article laid out exactly why Hillary Clinton is more of a neoliberal than Trump, who is running a traditional big government isolationist campaign. He's stated he wants government run universal healthcare, he's stated he wants to constrict economic borders and levy tariffs, he's stated he wants to constrict the open borders that are necessary for the neoliberal flow of labour and capital, he's heavily criticized the crowning modern neoliberal legislations in NAFTA and TPP, and he's stated he wants to pull the US back from involvement in supra/international organizations like NATO which are a key component in solidifying the globalization that is necessary in the neoliberal worldview.

If you can't be bothered to critically analyze the election or at least read an article from someone who has, I can't help you.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
A 4600 word well sourced article is a typo? Get some sleep, man. The article laid out exactly why Hillary Clinton is more of a neoliberal than Trump, who is in running a traditional big government isolationist campaign. He's stated he wants government run universal healthcare, he's stated he wants to constrict economic borders and levy tariffs, he's stated he wants to constrict the open borders that are necessary for the neoliberal flow of labour and capital, he's heavily criticized the crowning modern neoliberal legislations in NAFTA and TPP, and he's stated he wants to pull the US back from involvement in supra/international organizations like NATO which are a key component in solidifying the globalization that is necessary in the neoliberal worldview.

If you can't be bothered to critically analyze the election or at least read an article from someone who has, I can't help you.

No Im sorry homie but Im gonna reject your deposits here. Drumpf critized Nafta and other trade deals... Sure... But he also promised to and, Im paraphrasing... Renegotiate better ones where America wins. :dead:

So I dont know if that is exactly what you would call isolationist... In fact since he never specified what aspects he doesnt like, he could argue that they dont go far enough.

As far as him being in support of Universal Healthcare... Is that going to be on his official platform when he posts it? Do you really beleive that? Or are you lying through your watermelon soaked teeth, Tom?

Edit : NATO being "essential to the Neo Liberal worldview" is unbelievably narrowminded and stupid. NATO and the UN predate the neoliberal model and their existences are "essential" to all types of worldviews and especially not exclusively to neoliberalism. Their existence is inconsequential to neoliberalism if you knew what it was.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
No Im sorry homie but Im gonna reject your deposits here. Drumpf critized Nafta and other trade deals... Sure... But he also promised to and, Im paraphrasing... Renegotiate better ones where America wins. :dead:

So I dont know if that is exactly what you would call isolationist... In fact since he never specified what aspects he doesnt like, he could argue that they dont go far enough.

As far as him being in support of Universal Healthcare... Is that going to be on his official platform when he posts it? Do you really beleive that? Or are you lying through your watermelon soaked teeth, Tom?

Edit : NATO being "essential to the Neo Liberal worldview" is unbelievably narrowminded and stupid. NATO and the UN predate the neoliberal model and their existences are "essential" to all types of worldviews and especially not exclusively to neoliberalism. Their existence is inconsequential to neoliberalism if you knew what it was.
When Trump says he wants to renegotiate better deals where "America" wins, he's talking about the populace, not the multinationals that are already winning under the current neoliberal regime. His whole campaign and support base is built around populist isolationist rhetoric, so to say "Well, maybe he means he wants more neoliberal policy" is as illogical as saying he wants to build the wall to protect Mexico from illegal American immigrants.

As far as him being in support of Universal Healthcare...Donald Trump stands by universal health care despite attacks

It makes perfect sense for him to be in favour of universal healthcare given his campaign's political ideology. But whatever helps you sleep at night supporting the neoliberal globalization candidate in favour of the continuation of America's hegemonic regime of global imperialism. And I'm the Tom :mjlol:

Edit: My god, you're really strung up on that outdated definition of neoliberalism, aren't you? Political terms change depending on the time and location. Why the fukk would neoliberalism mean the same thing in 1970s's Chile as it does in 21st Century America? Do you believe the global state of affairs is static? You do understand that a Conservative in 19th century France wouldn't be the same as a Conservative in 1980s Britain, right? :mjlol:
NATO and international organizations are key in the 21st Century application of neoliberalism because of globalization and technological advances. We are a vastly more interconnected world than in the 1970s, so obviously our politico-economic philosophies have adapted to these changes, especially one predicated on the expansion and flow of labour and capital. Jeezus.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
When Trump says he wants to renegotiate better deals where "America" wins, he's talking about the populace, not the multinationals that are already winning under the current neoliberal regime. His whole campaign and support base is built around populist isolationist rhetoric, so to say "Well, maybe he means he wants more neoliberal policy" is as illogical as saying he wants to build the wall to protect Mexico from illegal American immigrants.

As far as him being in support of Universal Healthcare...Donald Trump stands by universal health care despite attacks

It makes perfect sense for him to be in favour of universal healthcare given his campaign's political ideology. But whatever helps you sleep at night supporting the neoliberal globalization candidate in favour of the continuation of America's hegemonic regime of global imperialism. And I'm the Tom :mjlol:

Edit: My god, you're really strung up on that outdated definition of neoliberalism, aren't you? Political terms change depending on the time and location. Why the fukk would neoliberalism mean the same thing in 1970s's Chile as it does in 21st Century America? Do you believe the global state of affairs is static? You do understand that a Conservative in 19th century France wouldn't be the same as a Conservative in 1980s Britain, right? :mjlol:
NATO and international organizations are key in the 21st Century application of neoliberalism because of globalization and technological advances. We are a vastly more interconnected world than in the 1970s, so obviously our politico-economic philosophies have adapted to these changes, especially one predicated on the expansion and flow of labour and capital. Jeezus.

Such nonsense again. when he says "we win"... How the hell is that any type of valid criticism of Nafta or any other trade agreement? So when he meant iraq should have had their oil taken by America, was that imperialism or isolationism?

Unfortunately you are creating a strawman trump and using his relentless flipflops and winging it to create this candidate that doesnt even exist. If you wanna talk about a static use of terms, youre the one using a SPECIFIC term that pertained to a SPECIFIC time famously, and now you want it to mean whatever the hell you want it to mean, sort of like trumps words.

Trumps policies are incoherent and youre just using whatever version of his policies to suit your arguments. You know for a fact rhat Trumps platform will not include universal healthcare, but you just parroted it to me for some argument points. He wants to build a wall to block mexicans because according to him their criminals and rapists, but according to you its because of a ideological opposition to free trade with Mexico. Un fukking believable.


Jul 6, 2014


:mjlol: 1% of the Black Vote. Notice of the top 3 Populations, Black People are on code with Trump. Asians? Hispanics/Latinos? Your move.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Such nonsense again. when he says "we win"... How the hell is that any type of valid criticism of Nafta or any other trade agreement?
Because under the current system, the vast majority of Americans are not experiencing the same degree of wins as the wealthy. The country has gotten richer, but income/wealth inequality has grown. So when Trump says "we" he's talking to and about the average American who hasn't shared in this great bounty of newfound wealth.

So when he meant iraq should have had their oil taken by America, was that imperialism or isolationism?
IIRC when he was saying America should have taken the oil, he was talking about at least getting something out of a bad situation. He's been on record as not supporting the War in Iraq in the first place because Saddam wasn't behind the 9/11 attacks. He is the more dovish of the two candidates breh. This is something I will not let Hillary stans get away with.

Unfortunately you are creating a strawman trump and using his relentless flipflops and winging it to create this candidate that doesnt even exist. If you wanna talk about a static use of terms, youre the one using a SPECIFIC term that pertained to a SPECIFIC time famously, and now you want it to mean whatever the hell you want it to mean, sort of like trumps words.
And what term is that? Isolationism? I'm not creating a strawman Trump, i'm going by his very words, some of which I've even cited in this thread and the other. What's happening is you're coming to terms with the true nature of your preferred candidate.

Trumps policies are incoherent and youre just using whatever version of his policies to suit your arguments. You know for a fact rhat Trumps platform will not include universal healthcare, but you just parroted it to me for some argument points.
Trump's rhetoric may at times be incoherent, but his policies and ideology aren't. When looking through the lens of a nativist, isolationist, populist ideology, you'll rarely be surprised by anything Trump's says.

:russ: at you dismissing me bringing up Trump's own literal words in support of universal healthcare as "argument points" while Hillary is on record saying

But he's the more vociferous neoliberal, huh?

This is what happens when your sole news source is John Oliver youtube clips :mjlol:

He wants to build a wall to block mexicans because according to him their criminals and rapists, but according to you its because of a ideological opposition to free trade with Mexico. Un fukking believable.
Trump used the "rapists and criminals" comment to garner attention and press. While he's responsible for that ugly language, the ideology behind the proposal is consistent with anti-free trade populism.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Trump expressed concerns about the cost of the war soon after it started. If Trump did support the war, he turned on it quickly. As the timeline below shows, Trump in July said that he wished the money being spent in Iraq could be spent in New York City. By November, he talked about the “tremendous cost” of the war and the “very, very unpleasant surprises in Iraq.”

By 2004, Trump’s opposition to the war was well documented.

But ok, sure, i'll give you that. There's no evidence he was against the war before it started. That doesn't undermine my position that he's the more dovish of the candidates. If you want to compare a soundbite on a Howard Stern appearance to the past decade of Hillary's career in office, we can go that route.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
@King Kreole would make a good press secretary for Trump. Dude makes up the most absurd defenses of Trump's incoherent bullshyt, trying to add layers of nuance and sophistication to Trump's intellectual feces-throwing that don't exist. Ol "yeah but what he really meant" ass nikka.
:heh: I'll take that as a compliment. He doesn't make it easy.


All Star
Mar 10, 2013
I bet you his mindset is this:

"If I win, Great! If I don't . . I have a bigger fan base than 5 years ago, a fan base that will pay me speaking fees, buy my books, and anything else im selling."

it won't hurt his bottom dollar, it will increase his business opportunities. the presidency is a plus, he doesn't really care about it, hes a carnival barker to further his own interests.

he knows his base well, the same people that believed Obama was born in Kenya, a secret muslim, deny climate change, some of them believe the earth is 5,000 years old, believe fema camps are secretly being setup to contain americans . . he knows he can throw out attention getting comments that reinforces his fans views.

Ding Ding Ding