Trump's self-destruction has begun


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
it will be a disgrace if the dems don't win the senate and a shytload of seats in the house.
the senate i give you, but gerrymandering has the house all types of fukked up, in most of these districts you could run a tranny and they'd win if a R was next to their name.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Trump is also a neoliberal you jackass. Do you even know what that term means?
Trump is campaigning on contracting economic borders, increasing tariffs, and restricting immigration. Pretty traditional isolationist campaign.

Full transcript: Donald Trump's jobs plan speech

Now tell me how increasing immigration, giving primacy to multinational corporations and supporting free trade agreements in the name of globalization is supposed to help the most unemployed demographic in the country? I'll wait.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Trump is campaigning on contracting economic borders, increasing tariffs, and restricting immigration. Pretty traditional isolationist campaign.

Full transcript: Donald Trump's jobs plan speech

Now tell me how increasing immigration, giving primacy to multinational corporations and supporting free trade agreements in the name of globalization is supposed to help the most unemployed demographic in the country? I'll wait.

wrong wrong and wrong idiot. Neo-Liberalism isn't all about free trade, and historically that hasn't even been the defining characteristic of the Neo-Liberal model. In the case of say Chile and Pinochet for exampe, the Neo-Liberal model was about privatization of traditionally government industries and the retraction of the social safety net. In fact, the ideas of free trade and globalization are almost mainstream to the point where they cannot be associated with any specific particular political ideology, as socialists and hard right winger parties support it.

So in short, Trump is a true Neo-Liberal and you are too foolish to understand this concept, because he wants to kick out immigrants and increase unspecified tariffs.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
@Broke Wave if you're actually interested in this discussion, you should read this: This is our neoliberal nightmare: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and why the market and the wealthy win every time

In the current election campaign, Hillary Clinton has been the most perfect embodiment of neoliberalism among all the candidates, she is almost its all-time ideal avatar, and I believe this explains, even if not articulated this way, the widespread discomfort among the populace toward her ascendancy. People can perceive that her ideology is founded on a conception of human beings striving relentlessly to become human capital (as her opening campaign commercial so overtly depicted), which means that those who fail to come within the purview of neoliberalism should be rigorously ostracized, punished, and excluded.


And this explains why the 1990s saw the simultaneous and absolutely parallel rise, under the Clintons, of both neoliberal globalization and various regimes of neoliberal disciplining, such as the shaming and exclusion of former welfare recipients (every able-bodied person should be able to find work, therefore under TANF welfare was converted to a performance management system designed to enroll everyone in the workforce, even if it meant below-subsistence wages or the loss of parental responsibilities, all of it couched in the jargon of marketplace incentives).


Neoliberalism likes to focus on public debt—in the Clinton years debt reduction became a mania, though George W. Bush promptly spent all the accumulated surpluses on tax cuts for the wealthy and on wars of choice—rather than inequality, because the only way to address inequality is through a different understanding of public debt; inequality can only be addressed through higher taxation, which has by now been excluded from the realm of acceptable discourse—except when Sanders, Trump, or Jeremy Corbyn in England go off script.


The danger for neoliberalism—as is clear from the support of millions of displaced human beings for Trump—is that with each crisis neoliberalism sheds more workers, makes individuals and firms more “disciplined,” narrows the scope of opportunity even further.


The present breakdown of both major political parties can be explained by the frustration that has built up in the body politic over the past decade, because after the crash there was no sustained intellectual movement to question the myth of the market. The substitution of economic justice with identity politics is something Ralph Nader, Howard Dean, and now Bernie Sanders have contested in a humane manner, while the same process is at work, admittedly in an inhumane way, in the Trump phenomenon.


What, indeed, does happen beyond Sanders, because as we have seen Hillary Clinton is one of the founders of neoliberal globalization, one of its central historical figures (having accelerated the warehousing of the poor, the attack on trade unions, and the end of welfare and of regulatory prowess), while Trump is an authoritarian figure whose conceptions of the state and of human beings within the state are inconsistent with the surface frictionlessness neoliberalism desires?

This is why it's important to critically analyze the political landscape instead of just regurgitating 140 character platitudes and chyrons you see on your way out the door.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
@Broke Wave if you're actually interested in this discussion, you should read this: This is our neoliberal nightmare: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and why the market and the wealthy win every time

This is why it's important to critically analyze the political landscape instead of just regurgitating 140 character platitudes and chyrons you see on your way out the door.

You jackass, I was the one who informed you that Trump was indeed a Neo-Liberal, and a more vociferous one than Clinton, and now you link me to an article which in fact confirms exactly what I was saying. Then have the gaul to ask me if I want to continue this conversation. I absolutely do not, given the fact that you have proven yourself incapable of properly assigning the correct political terms. A discussion with someone like me, being supremely educated in this field, would not benefit either of us because you are at such a remedial level in comprehension that you may cause yourself serious frustration and thereby resort to deflections, which is what people of your remedial understanding level do.

Enjoy the rest of your stay here :salute:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
You jackass, I was the one who informed you that Trump was indeed a Neo-Liberal, and a more vociferous one than Clinton, and now you link me to an article which in fact confirms exactly what I was saying. Then have the gaul to ask me if I want to continue this conversation. I absolutely do not, given the fact that you have proven yourself incapable of properly assigning the correct political terms. A discussion with someone like me, being supremely educated in this field, would not benefit either of us because you are at such a remedial level in comprehension that you may cause yourself serious frustration and thereby resort to deflections, which is what people of your remedial understanding level do.

Enjoy the rest of your stay here :salute:
Are you drunk?
In the current election campaign, Hillary Clinton has been the most perfect embodiment of neoliberalism among all the candidates, she is almost its all-time ideal avatar, and I believe this explains, even if not articulated this way, the widespread discomfort among the populace toward her ascendancy.
Go to bed and try again in the morning.

Edit: and by the way, the word you're looking for is gall, not gaul. Gaul was a region encompassing much of western Europe during the era of the Roman empire. Knowledge is power.
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Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Are you drunk?

Go to bed and try again in the morning.

Edit: and by the way, the word you're looking for is gall, not gaul. Gaul was a region encompassing much of western Europe during the era of the Roman empire. Knowledge is power.
Its a typo. Furthermore this magazines editorial opinion isnt a dictionary. That is more of a typo. Please find out the historical definiton of a neo liberal and tell me how Trump, who wants to get rid of government departments in favor of mass privatization, is less of a neo liberal than Clinton