Trump's Benghazi?—4 Soldiers Killed In NIGER: Update 3/4 Video of ambush released


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Nov 18, 2016
This is really good exhaustive history of militarism in the region. It's an opinion piece by the way, but rather interesting. By a guy name Gary Busch who studied International Trade at American University and who has written for Wall Street Journal and Pravda (Russian I know!) but he's written tons about Russia that is even critical so he seems to be on the up an up.

West Africa: The U.S. and the Wars in the Sahel
West Africa: The U.S. and the Wars in the Sahel


The U.S. has agreed to support the French and European efforts to fight terrorism in the Sahel but has been unwilling to commit U.S. regular forces to fighting on the ground. It has offered training, equipment and Special Forces participation in military programs in the Sahel and frequently arranges mass exercises to make sure the trained remain so. . .

Most of the US's African outreach is dis proportionally built on military links to client military chiefs. The Pentagon has military ties with fifty-three African countries. The Bush Administration announced in 2002 that Africa was a "strategic priority in fighting terrorism". Henceforth, US foreign policy strategists, with the backing of both liberal and neoconservative congress people, moved to centralize and coordinate a military policy on a continent-wide basis forming the African Command (AFRICOM) and Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA). These organise African armies, euphemistically called "co-operative partnerships," to support anti-terrorist activities in the continent. U.S. special operations teams are now deployed to 23 African countries and the U.S. operates bases across the continent.. .

Marine Forces Europe and Africa
United States Marine Corps
Marines train for Pan Sahel Initiative > Marine Corps Forces Europe > News Article Display

A group of 30 Marines and Sailors from U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Europe, Atlantic, and Second Marine Expeditionary Force, recently formed up to take part in a U.S. State Department program called the Pan Sahel Initiative. PSI aims to train and equip selected military units from countries within the Sahel Region of Africa. The goal of the initiative is to train these units in basic individual infantry skills up to company-level tactics, increasing their capabilities to stem the flow of illicit arms, goods, and people into their nations. The nations will also be able to stifle any attempts of terrorists seeking and establishing sanctuaries in the region.



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The Hill
29 mins ·
Fox News anchor Bret Baier blamed President Trump for “opening the door” to controversy when he attacked President Obama and past presidents over their approach to consoling the families of fallen soldiers, saying: “that's what started this whole cascade.”

Fox News anchor: Fallen soldier controversy is Trump’s fault
John Kelly defended Trump and lashed out at a Democratic lawmaker who revealed what Trump told the family of a soldier killed in Niger.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012


Nov 18, 2016
The deep chasms of my mind
This has the potential, if those with the itch (reporters, anonymous sources and know sources, etc) to get involved, to be a breakthrough saga. Especially if the circumstances of this Travel Ban (or a previous version) played a part in this operation.

SideRant: I've had so many words and feelings wash over me about parts of John Kelly's speech yesterday. As a reference, though, do note that apparently John Kelly used that same idiom (empty barrel) about Rep. Luis Gutierrez who had much stronger words for Kelly than Rep. Wilson, as it looks, never did. So while on an ego and positional sense I can see why being called "mean" and a "disgrace to the uniform" (Gutierrez) would elicit that idiom, there was nothing I saw in Rep. Wilson's criticism, which was mostly aimed at Trump, that Kelly would have to respond to her the way he did. Other than that he took the criticism of Rump to be that of himself because Rump's phone call words were HIS words of HIS coaching. To that I say if that's was the case, then Kelly should've made that call instead of hinging on Rump being able to convey his ideal tone of empathy when he's know and a hell of a lot of other people know he CAN'T. HE IS A HORRIBLE ORATOR.

Taking a more middle ground approach - expressing that the Rep has ties to the family and her organization that the soldier was apart of, that she like the family are in an emotional and mourning state of mind, and even that it would be best for the admin and that family/the Rep to keep in contact for rectification so that everyone could get back on track to grieving and moving on - woulda been a better message. No need to explicitly attack Rump OR the Rep. But to push aside that nuance for essentially call Wilson stupid, full of it, and all talk no care just because she couldn't grasp that she was by association criticizing Kelly just makes things much worse. And then of course Rump calls her crazy. Don't even get me started on Kelly and his Wilson/FBI building claims, which are being debunked.

At the least, Wilson is calling Kelly a liar (see above last sentence) and saying how she feels sorry for him having to manage Rump, even expressing her empathy towards his son's loss. Maybe Kelly will come to realise this and put out some statement about rectification and forgiveness, maybe.

If there's anything I'm wrong on, do come with some facts, cause I'd to think I'm being blind with emotion, that there's something left unseen. EndRant/