The wealthy can't get any more powerful. The wealthy haven't taken an L in 50 years. The wealthy have been spiking on our faces nonstop every moment I've been alive.
The only thing that can stop the wealthy, the few, is a central authority, the one, backed by the people, the many. If you want to fight the wealthy you need a leader strong enough to fight them off. They strength comes from their level of popular support.
Trump doesn't have enough popular support to be that guy, nor does he have the desire to hurt the wealthy (himself included). However, his bull in a China shop act right now is more damaging to the wealthy than anything I've seen in my life.
The opening is for anyone capable of amassing real popular support, legitimate authority, enough to enforce laws to disenpower the elite financial class (oligarchs, landlords, the ancien regime, hedge fund managers, whatever you want to label them). Elections already are shams, the wealthy already have unlimited power. The opening is for people to finally pull the wool from their eyes.