Ship em all out 

Its definitely way more than 5%. Likely closer to 20%Chicanos are going crazy about this on facebook. I figured only like 5% of Hispanics in the US are illegal immigrants, but I guess I was wrong
Exactly. These black politicians are so fukking pathetic.I’m from Boston and beautiful chocolate sister Ayanna Presley, a freshman representative from this city, was yapping on Twitter about the terror of ICE. It’s embarrassing and frustrating to see black politicians show more concern for these ILLEGALS than they do black CITIZENS of this country.![]()
Hell yeah. We all we gotYou actually undermined your own point.
You're right, business owners won't pay a living wage unless they are FORCED TO.
How do you force them to?
You cut off their cheap wages, just like we did during World War I when we cut off immigration, allowing millions of Black folks to immigrate from the South to the NOrth and get good jobs workin factories.
Virtually all of us in here are probably products of the Great Migration
Can I dance with you?
@ this old hefer thinking Trump will negotiate with her. All he did was put the fear into illegal spicycacs and give them a two week reprieve.
Carlos the bus boy ain't coming to work brehGonna be a lot of no shows at my job this week then.
Im an engineer for a flooring manufacturer. 90% chance the carpet in your house was somehow influenced by an illegal Mexican.Carlos the bus boy ain't coming to work breh
Nail meets coffin for DemocratsIt was a tried-and-true American tactic: the destabilization tactic. The point was to:
1. Instill fear and panic in illegals in order to put them in a state of constant anxiety that psychologically breaks them down.
2. Watch how illegals respond to study their plans for resistance so that when ICE does strike, they know what to expect and can maneuver accordingly.
3. Induce a strong reaction from the American public that emphasizes the point to illegals that the number of their allies is mighty low compared to the Americans that want them out. This emphasizes the state of anxiety by showing that they have no real protection and are subject to the will of a dominating force (Trump).
4. Leach their monetary resources on a false raid so that their money is depleted and they can't afford to shield themselves when the real hell hits.
5. See who amongst the power structure (government, police, etc.) is sympathetic to illegals and willing to help them evade ICE.
5. Break the bond with illegals that Democrats are trying to forge in order to turn them into voters. Either the Democrats sell out illegals and give Trump what he wants (mass deportations) or they don't give Trump what he wants and he does mass deportations anyway. Both paths lead to Democeatic leaders appearing weak and ineffectual in the eyes of illegals which undercuts the efficacy of their campaign to win the illegal vote.
Got Hard wood floors but I feel youIm an engineer for a flooring manufacturer. 90% chance the carpet in your house was somehow influenced by an illegal Mexican.
Nail meets coffin for Democrats
When u run your platform on being a gay internet feminist complainer how strong can u appear?
He's surrounded by people who want to bomb Iran. You think someone stopped him? He looked at the fallout, which would have seen him marked as the President who attacked Iran, and decided![]()
U don’t realize the big pictureExactly. These black politicians are so fukking pathetic.
The nail has been in the coffin for the Democrats since they treated Obama like a step-child for his entire two terms. The man had the first winning strategy for election success that the Democratic Party had since 1992 and they spat in his face for the trouble. They only turned to the social justice platform when they realized they're as corporate owned as the Republicans, so they can't offer any economic platform and attempted a ham-fisted replication of Obama's bringing together of marginalized groups by putting together a parade of tumblr archetypes and calling it progress. It was a case of " Hey, we can't offer you any kind of economic help but let's all clap for the first transgender Latina quadruple-amputee feminist LBGTQAXYZ to serve in the Senate." Just meaningless shyt that doesn't actually help marginalized groups and just serves to distract from the financial rape of America by Big Business. Illegals were their last chance for a base after they pissed off us ADOS, but now that's being blow to hell by the day. Such a dumbass strategy: you've been throwing the world at these people's feet for nothing. What reason would they have to show up to the polls and risk ICE capture? They're getting freebies anyway, what's the point? Meanwhile Hattie Mae and her church group have been doing voter outreach for free and shuttling people to the polls for 30 years and you can't even pretend to care about their problems.