Trump Will Start Deporting Millions of Illegal Immigrants Next Week


Aug 12, 2012
also there aint gonna b no mass deportation. Toupe Fiasco done already walked that shyt bac. Its financially and logistically unviable....he knows that but he loves to pop off n sell his wolf tikkets. His base and the press eats that shyt up

He never gets anything done that he says he gon do

Aint gonna attac Iran
Muslim ban didnt go down
Wall aint gonna happen

He just the human equivalent of cliccbait

The Muslim ban did go down dumbass. What planet have you been living on? You stuck in a bubble or something? It went into effect ages ago

Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump’s travel ban

'Brink of Catastrophe' as Trump Muslim Ban Keeps Refugees in Limbo

This fool stuck in 2017. Breh you gotta learn to fact check the shyt you say before you talk. You are wayyyyy behind.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
U don’t realize the big picture

Black people are up next once the illegals are gone

Don’t be naive
Blacks are have been targeted for injustice for the past 400 years. Not sure why you think illegals will somehow change that.

Read a history book or 10

Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
The nail has been in the coffin for the Democrats since they treated Obama like a step-child for his entire two terms. The man had the first winning strategy for election success that the Democratic Party had since 1992 and they spat in his face for the trouble. They only turned to the social justice platform when they realized they're as corporate owned as the Republicans, so they can't offer any economic platform and attempted a ham-fisted replication of Obama's bringing together of marginalized groups by putting together a parade of tumblr archetypes and calling it progress. It was a case of " Hey, we can't offer you any kind of economic help but let's all clap for the first transgender Latina quadruple-amputee feminist LBGTQAXYZ to serve in the Senate." Just meaningless shyt that doesn't actually help marginalized groups and just serves to distract from the financial rape of America by Big Business. Illegals were their last chance for a base after they pissed off us ADOS, but now that's being blow to hell by the day. Such a dumbass strategy: you've been throwing the world at these people's feet for nothing. What reason would they have to show up to the polls and risk ICE capture? They're getting freebies anyway, what's the point? Meanwhile Hattie Mae and her church group have been doing voter outreach for free and shuttling people to the polls for 30 years and you can't even pretend to care about their problems.
Powerful post. Dap + rep :wow:


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
U don’t realize the big picture

Black people are up next once the illegals are gone

Don’t be naive
I’m tired of goofies saying this dumbshyt..
If you are from an immigrant family or if you just want to defend their plight/struggle..
But this bullshyt you just typed..
Gets no play in this ride..
Please give me a specific year, month, decade, century, where they didn’t stop fukking with black people..
We have been watching snuff films for the past ten years of cops killing with impunity..
We have watched black men and women killed in their homes..
We have been spit on..
Called every name in the book..
Only to be told..
“I wasn’t there”
“Get over it”..
Save this bullshyt, scary rhetoric for the gumps like you out there..
It’s been a war on black people ever since they enslaved us and brought us to this rotten continent...
If you or any other bum muthafukka that spouts this nonsense..
Can give me emphatic proof of a time where black people lived in peace amongst anybody in Amerikkka..
Where they left my ancestors alone to reap the benefits of a country they built..
Where their children were given access to excellent education, healthcare, foods without it being bombed and destroyed..
Where we actually seen lady justice blind ass work in our favor..
Where black people are not painted as monsters, degenerates..
Then I will concede to this argument..
This is not my fight or my families fight..
I’ve seen too many people who were illegal become legal the right way..
How you come to a country..
Demanding shyt..
While others grind everyday just to make it..
There is nowhere in the world/no shore
Where a black man/woman can land(outside of Africa)..
That can seek asylum and demand services...
You a lie or damn troll if you say otherwise..
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Aug 12, 2012
Blacks are have been targeted for injustice for the past 400 years. Not sure why you think illegals will somehow change that.

Read a history book or 10

The “they will go after Black people next” coalition is actually right. However ....they will likely go after Black people people don’t feel sympathy for such as pimps and gang members. For reference Tekashi and Cardi getting charged for gang affiliations and racketeering. That’s a sign of what is to come.

But as far as regular civilians :manny: they ran out of ideas. If and when they do come up with something it will be economically related and Black Americans are accustomed to 400 years anyway


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
I stay close to the border, and my girl hit me late last night talking about this. She black but I guess got some Mexican homegirls she work with. These Mexicans out here shook.

She was in her feelings at damn near12 o’clock :dahell:
Talking bout “It’s just not right. They’re living in fear!:mjcry:

Smh:snoop:Black people got enough damn problems as it is. What the fck I look like worried about them Mexicans. We got our own cross to bear. Lord forgive me but got damn:childplease:

Cave Savage

Sep 7, 2014
Women's rights
I stay close to the border, and my girl hit me late last night talking about this. She black but I guess got some Mexican homegirls she work with. These Mexicans out here shook.

She was in her feelings at damn near12 o’clock :dahell:
Talking bout “It’s just not right. They’re living in fear!:mjcry:

Smh:snoop:Black people got enough damn problems as it is. What the fck I look like worried about them Mexicans. We got our own cross to bear. Lord forgive me but got damn:childplease:

I don't want people to live in fear, but why do people live in the US illegally for years and think that nothing is ever gonna happen? If there were no consequences for migrating illegally, far less people would even try to get citizenship.

Trot LaRoc

Dec 15, 2016
I stay close to the border, and my girl hit me late last night talking about this. She black but I guess got some Mexican homegirls she work with. These Mexicans out here shook.

She was in her feelings at damn near12 o’clock :dahell:
Talking bout “It’s just not right. They’re living in fear!:mjcry:

Smh:snoop:Black people got enough damn problems as it is. What the fck I look like worried about them Mexicans. We got our own cross to bear. Lord forgive me but got damn:childplease:

Your girl brainwashed by all them intersectional "POC ally" yt folks

I think its fkd up that kids are getting aint their fault but at the end of the day. I have empathy buttttttt Blac folk have never beeen indemnified or even truly granted the full rights of citizenship so i cant b losin sleep over other muhfukkas. We gotta take care of our shyt for once

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
One thing I noticed is that liberals want the minimum wage to be at least $15 per hour, but insist that we have open borders because illegals work for less than minimum wage?

Idiot, I never said that minimum wage is 7.25. Nikka u brought up 7 dollars an hour :mjlol:. I think u were implying that all or most undocumented immigrants are earning 7.15 an hour.

I informed you, based on that article u cited to, that there are some undocumented workers earning above 7 dollars an hour. In fact 15 or 20 dollars an hour.

U should know that a lot of them are using stolen social security numbers to work at legit jobs.

What jobs poor people can work? The fukk are u talm bout. :dahell:

There is designated work for rich or poor people in america?:dahell:

I thought this was America where you have better shot to raise yourself from poverty with education and/or hardwork and/or ingenuity and/or just dumb luck as compared to alot of other places in the world:dahell:.

Idiot, i can point to a ton of studies that say undocumented workers contribute more to the economy than they take away and studies that show some americans who take more than they put in with things such as claiming disability benefits and other social welfare benefits.

There are a lot of undocumented workers that are paying federal taxes and into social security with every paycheck without benefits coming to them.They are also spend money that they earn into the economy.

Im not degrading low skill and low educated american workers but in this economy especially when it is thriving, they can coexist even in construction jobs or farming jobs if americans want to work those jobs.

Again, you are retarded if you think anyone or anything is stopping undocumented workers from coming in illegally and working. A wall or watever bullshyt. People crossing the southern borders and others overstaying Visas to work have been coming to America really unchecked for two centuries. It has been lowkey accepted by the powers that be.

We have been needing immigration reform that recognizes migrant worker for a long time. At least you can monitor employers and give immigrant or migrant some rights in the labor market.

And news flash dumbass, there are low skill jobs that pay low wages in a national economy. That is a given. Jobs that probably wouldnt exist if undocumented workers didnt occupy them.

Your stupid azz along with those dumb azz trump supporters demonizing undocumented worker where they are really harmless in the grand scheme of things.

Again dumbass, individual incidents of employers exploiting undocumented workers occur but their impact on the national economy (and i.e. wage stagnation) is miniscule. Undocumented workers represent a fraction of overall immigration nationwide. Unauthorized immigrants may be numerous in certain industries but again they are at only at 5 percent of the national labor force. Immigrants both legal and unducumented are overall 17 percent of the national labor force.

Keep on with that simple minded dumb shyt and cosign fukk shyt like seperating kids from their parents, wasting resources on ice round ups to send out people who are just gonna come back in and blocking legal asylum seekers when they are trying to escape violence.

It is retards like you who helped get Orange 45 elected and could get him elected again. Lowkey cosigning the main false narrative theme of his 2016 campaign and his presidential administration:scust:.

You should be directing you anger at conservative policies that have broken up the power of labor unions when it comes to wage stagnation and not the boogie man of " illegal" immigrants.

Low skill workers have little to no protection in the capitalist system that favors the employer without labor unions.

Be dumb brehs and think you woke by scapegoating people who really have no use in your overall vitriol but lowkey and unintentionally cosign the republican conservative agenda.

No way in hell I'm reading that long ass post.

I already quoted the Civil Rights Study that showed that Illegal Immigration has "moderate to extreme" effects on Black employment, so I'm good arguing with you.

But i did see that last line about "cosigning the republican conservative agenda", which shows me how stupid you are, because historically it's been the LEFT that fought illegal immigration

Dummy, organized labor fought illegal immigration for YEARS like 100 of 'em.

It was conservatives that brought in the "braceros" to drive down wages for American workers

But thanks for playing.

And for the record again


Nail meets coffin for Democrats

When u run your platform on being a gay internet feminist complainer how strong can u appear?

U don’t realize the big picture

Black people are up next once the illegals are gone

Don’t be naive

nikka, we been "it" for 400 fukking years. :heh:

Imagine this nikka thinking that we're "next" instead of the main focus of this country's bullshyt for 4 centuries


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang
No way in hell I'm reading that long ass post.

I already quoted the Civil Rights Study that showed that Illegal Immigration has "moderate to extreme" effects on Black employment, so I'm good arguing with you.

But i did see that last line about "cosigning the republican conservative agenda", which shows me how stupid you are, because historically it's been the LEFT that fought illegal immigration

Dummy, organized labor fought illegal immigration for YEARS like 100 of 'em.

It was conservatives that brought in the "braceros" to drive down wages for American workers

But thanks for playing.

And for the record again



Fool, the civil rights study u cited to did find that undocumented workers affect the wages and job availability for low skill and low educated workers which is disproportionately black males. That is a fact.

But it gave no recommendation on a solution to it because of the complexity of "illegal" immigration. Probably because "illegal" immigrants' benefits to the economy and the impracticality of stopping them from crossing the border or not overstaying their Visas. And it said that undocumented workers contribute to the supply of those low wage and low skill jobs, which means they probably wont exist if there was no undocumented workers.

Historically its been the left fighting illegal immigration? Im sorry but Is the majority of the modern left hell bent on stopping undocumented workers now? :mindblown:with their support of sanctuary cities and the comdemnation of the trump administration's policies towards undocumented people.

Isnt this modern conservative movement or Trumpism using "illegal" immigration to trick people like you into thinking that it is primarily undocumented people that is helping to keep the black man down and not centuries of systemic racism perpetuated historically by whites and the financial elites who have benefited from exploiting both low skill and low educated black and latino workers.

Systemic racism is the reason why black american men are disproportionately the majority of low skill and low educated workers and not the boogie man of undocumented workers. Young black men shouldnt be working those jobs in those industries dominated by undocumented workers.

But Yes, Lets not focus on that systemic racism perpetuated by whites and put into hyperdrive by the policies of the modern conservative movement is what has been keeping black american men surpressed. Lets be lazy and say it is primarily "illegal" immigrants. Let us do the impossible and get rid of all undocumented workers and let this capitalist system exploit low educated black americans again.

And Yes, Lets distract us and implicitly cosign fukk shyt happening at the border like it wont be low educated black americans as the scapegoats next if shyt hits the fan.

Again you complain about undocumented workers but you offer no solution to the "problem" or are you cosigning what the Trump administration is doing? I have made my position clear, you need immigration reform that recognizes migrant workers, stregthening of labor unions that include recognized migrant workers and reparations in some form to all black americans who have been impacted by systemic racism.

Im not into low educated and low skill black americans groveling with undocumented workers for low wage farming, construction or landscaping jobs. We off that.

I really didnt get your position during your simple minded responses. All i see from u is that "illegal" immigrants = low wages for black people.

Its really not that simple.

But anyway Im done, just wanted to open up some eyes on wat is really going on, it was real.
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Jun 1, 2012
The “they will go after Black people next” coalition is actually right. However ....they will likely go after Black people people don’t feel sympathy for such as pimps and gang members. For reference Tekashi and Cardi getting charged for gang affiliations and racketeering. That’s a sign of what is to come.

But as far as regular civilians :manny: they ran out of ideas. If and when they do come up with something it will be economically related and Black Americans are accustomed to 400 years anyway
This shyt been happening tho