Trump Will Start Deporting Millions of Illegal Immigrants Next Week


All Star
Dec 31, 2014
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

Booooooooy if ya'll fell for this...... "raid"......, and it was gonna happen when he first announced it a few days ago then you either stuck on stupid or sittin' on silly.

You really thought them Dems was gonna let all them votes get deported?? They been talking about changing them demographics heavy for a while now and moving forward w/ it too.

NPR Choice page

A source familiar with the president's decision told NPR that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called Trump on Friday night and urged him to back off the raids. Pelosi had been sharply critical of the planned raids. She called them heartless and said the president needed "to stop this brutal action which will tear families apart and inject terror into our communities."

Sources close to the White House say Democrats are unlikely to accept Trump's pitch that asylum rules should be tightened.

ICE raids delayed after Democrats pressure Trump

ICE raids delayed after Democrats pressure Trump



All Star
Dec 31, 2014
:mjlol: @ this old hefer thinking Trump will negotiate with her. All he did was put the fear into illegal spicycacs and give them a two week reprieve.

She ain't the only one either. I just posted her cause she's notorious for stuff like this even though her district literally has feces, trash, and needles over the place and to no surprise at all, her district was on that list.

I found six of them Dems off top of that list then quit looking at the story. I bet if we looked for more Dems we'd find them who don't want the "raid" to happen at all.

Pritzker, Lightfoot vow to resist Trump’s call for mass deportations: ‘We will continue to push back against hate’

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday said President Donald Trump is “dead wrong” in threatening mass deportations of illegal immigrants next week — while Mayor Lori Lightfoot said “wholesale round-ups of our immigrant community” won’t be tolerated in Chicago.

Trump’s threat of major deportations sparks fear, confusion in Atlanta

Mayor Bottoms says Trump creating “nightmare” for immigrant families

Federal immigration authorities said Wednesday they will ramp up enforcement, though they offered few specifics, sowing fear and confusion among Atlanta-area immigrants and drawing sharp criticism from Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.

In contrast, Bottoms decided last year to bar the city jail from holding ICE’s detainees, prompting a rebuke from Vice President Mike Pence during his visit to Atlanta in March. Bottoms has said her move was prompted by the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy on the southwest border, which led to the separation of many immigrant families last year.
Oct 22, 2017
She ain't the only one either. I just posted her cause she's notorious for stuff like this even though her district literally has feces, trash, and needles over the place and to no surprise at all, her district was on that list.

I found six of them Dems off top of that list then quit looking at the story. I bet if we looked for more Dems we'd find them who don't want the "raid" to happen at all.

Pritzker, Lightfoot vow to resist Trump’s call for mass deportations: ‘We will continue to push back against hate’

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday said President Donald Trump is “dead wrong” in threatening mass deportations of illegal immigrants next week — while Mayor Lori Lightfoot said “wholesale round-ups of our immigrant community” won’t be tolerated in Chicago.

Trump’s threat of major deportations sparks fear, confusion in Atlanta

Mayor Bottoms says Trump creating “nightmare” for immigrant families

Federal immigration authorities said Wednesday they will ramp up enforcement, though they offered few specifics, sowing fear and confusion among Atlanta-area immigrants and drawing sharp criticism from Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.

In contrast, Bottoms decided last year to bar the city jail from holding ICE’s detainees, prompting a rebuke from Vice President Mike Pence during his visit to Atlanta in March. Bottoms has said her move was prompted by the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy on the southwest border, which led to the separation of many immigrant families last year.
I’m from Boston and beautiful chocolate sister Ayanna Presley, a freshman representative from this city, was yapping on Twitter about the terror of ICE. It’s embarrassing and frustrating to see black politicians show more concern for these ILLEGALS than they do black CITIZENS of this country. :francis:

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
I’m from Boston and beautiful chocolate sister Ayanna Presley, a freshman representative from this city, was yapping on Twitter about the terror of ICE. It’s embarrassing and frustrating to see black politicians show more concern for these ILLEGALS than they do black CITIZENS of this country. :francis:
You try too hard. As always.



All Star
Dec 31, 2014
I’m from Boston and beautiful chocolate sister Ayanna Presley, a freshman representative from this city, was yapping on Twitter about the terror of ICE. It’s embarrassing and frustrating to see black politicians show more concern for these ILLEGALS than they do black CITIZENS of this country. :francis:

But it will happen again.

That party cares more for illegal aliens than the c00ns that vote for them.

She fine.

We're in alignment when it comes to them types of politicians. Them illegal aliens done got sanctuary cities, counties, and states when we got 3 strikes. Even tryna hook up illegals w/ the right to vote. :scust:


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang
Dummy, what type of jobs do you think that poor people are working and could be working?

And why do you think the minimum wage is only $7.25?

Because they can find cheaper labor (illegal) for most labor.

And there's no way of knowing how many jobs Americans could be doing are occupied by illegal immigrants, because um . . . they're illegal.

Why do you illegal capers have to degrade low wage low skilled Americans in order to make your point?

Tons of studies have shown that illegal immigration hurts the people at the bottom of the economic totem pole.

Instead of telling them to "look in the mirror", you should not be supporting kicking AMERICAN CITIZENS when they are down.

Half of Texas' construction workers are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

There's 400,000 illegals working in that one state alone

Half of Texas' Construction Workers Are Undocumented Immigrants - D Magazine

You're telling me that Black people working at Walmart, McDonalds, and other low wage jobs wouldn't be better off working construction?

The Commission of Civil Rights even did a study and found that it disproportionately hurt the Black community

Idiot, I never said that minimum wage is 7.25. Nikka u brought up 7 dollars an hour :mjlol:. I think u were implying that all or most undocumented immigrants are earning 7.15 an hour.

Dummy, the labor market's going to force them to pay a living wage.

When they can't find any workers who'll work for $7.15/hr, they'll have to raise their wages or go out of business.

I informed you, based on that article u cited to, that there are some undocumented workers earning above 7 dollars an hour. In fact 15 or 20 dollars an hour.

U should know that a lot of them are using stolen social security numbers to work at legit jobs.

What jobs poor people can work? The fukk are u talm bout. :dahell:

There is designated work for rich or poor people in america?:dahell:

I thought this was America where you have better shot to raise yourself from poverty with education and/or hardwork and/or ingenuity and/or just dumb luck as compared to alot of other places in the world:dahell:.

Idiot, i can point to a ton of studies that say undocumented workers contribute more to the economy than they take away and studies that show some americans who take more than they put in with things such as claiming disability benefits and other social welfare benefits.

There are a lot of undocumented workers that are paying federal taxes and into social security with every paycheck without benefits coming to them.They are also spend money that they earn into the economy.

Im not degrading low skill and low educated american workers but in this economy especially when it is thriving, they can coexist even in construction jobs or farming jobs if americans want to work those jobs.

Again, you are retarded if you think anyone or anything is stopping undocumented workers from coming in illegally and working. A wall or watever bullshyt. People crossing the southern borders and others overstaying Visas to work have been coming to America really unchecked for two centuries. It has been lowkey accepted by the powers that be.

We have been needing immigration reform that recognizes migrant worker for a long time. At least you can monitor employers and give immigrant or migrant some rights in the labor market.

And news flash dumbass, there are low skill jobs that pay low wages in a national economy. That is a given. Jobs that probably wouldnt exist if undocumented workers didnt occupy them.

Your stupid azz along with those dumb azz trump supporters demonizing undocumented worker where they are really harmless in the grand scheme of things.

Again dumbass, individual incidents of employers exploiting undocumented workers occur but their impact on the national economy (and i.e. wage stagnation) is miniscule. Undocumented workers represent a fraction of overall immigration nationwide. Unauthorized immigrants may be numerous in certain industries but again they are at only at 5 percent of the national labor force. Immigrants both legal and unducumented are overall 17 percent of the national labor force.

Keep on with that simple minded dumb shyt and cosign fukk shyt like seperating kids from their parents, wasting resources on ice round ups to send out people who are just gonna come back in and blocking legal asylum seekers when they are trying to escape violence.

It is retards like you who helped get Orange 45 elected and could get him elected again. Lowkey cosigning the main false narrative theme of his 2016 campaign and his presidential administration:scust:.

You should be directing you anger at conservative policies that have broken up the power of labor unions when it comes to wage stagnation and not the boogie man of " illegal" immigrants.

Low skill workers have little to no protection in the capitalist system that favors the employer without labor unions.

Be dumb brehs and think you woke by scapegoating people who really have no use in your overall vitriol but lowkey and unintentionally cosign the republican conservative agenda.
Last edited:
Oct 22, 2017
He doesn’t care about her, the question is who really stopped it and why? It’s the second time this week somebody stopped him

He's surrounded by people who want to bomb Iran. You think someone stopped him? He looked at the fallout, which would have seen him marked as the President who attacked Iran, and decided :whoa:


Mar 24, 2014
Why is this still going..I long said technically the US can only deport between 400 and 500, 000 people using all available resources..that's like 5%.