There is a crisis going on but how do all these people have all that money to pay coyotes to cross the border if they are so poor and destitute?
These coyotes are making BANK. Nothing is free. The people who are really suffering aren't crossing the border.
All these pictures have people in name brand clothing with not a single hole in them. They got a gang of children. Maybe stop making children you can't feed? That might help. lol
American will do the work illegals will do. Its called farming and landscaping. Thing is, Americans are smart enough, not to work for pennies. Corrupt companies need to stop being cheap and pay a decent wage.
Them migos be working for years to save up money to give to give to coyotes. It's not like they just withdrew 3 stacks from their Wells Taco bank account like "I feel like living in the states now

The people who are suffering aren't crossing the border? So people just decide to hitch a ride on a freight train from Guatemala to the US border because they have nothing better to do?

All those name brand clothes are usually hand me downs sent to them in barrels from relatives in the states or it's Chinese knock offs. You must not have immigrants in your family

I agree, companies gotta do better with these wages.