I never would imagine people doing this and thinking its perfectly legal. Then in turn they believe they deserve handouts or else your racist. When they consider themselves white and practice racism in their countries or origin.
How are whole ass countries going into the US and its perfectly ok?
I could see here and there. But the extreme amount of people coming in, isn't doing anymore than harm.
If these people can't figure out how to live decently, why do we want them here to make things worse in here. We already got racism, now we can't even get a job because Jose will do it for 5 dollars a day. And there are millions of them with the same mind set. Naw, they need to put weight on their countries or origin and stop expecting the migrate because they seen an American movie and they want to live like a celebrity.
Americans aren't living like a movie or even like these reality shows. There is no American dream.
The way yall tell it. Hispanics built this country, work harder than anyone else, are the most educated, not criminals even when committing immigration crimes to get here, are here for a better life but got here spending thousands to coyotes to help them cross the border, pretend that Mexico is a 3rd world country when nikkas in America travel there every spring break to turn up and Mexico has money, now you spend money yet you all are out here asking for free education, food, shelter, because you was scared for your life. lolHispanics are the ones who spend $.
This will fukk our Economy to hell
You think mass deportation and building an impossible, expensive and useless wall is going to solve the problem. They are just gonna come back. That many people willing to take that dangerous journey indicates that there is a crisis going on in their country of origin.
America could fix this problem
1. Sending troops to these country overrun with gang violence. Crack a few skulls there. Much better use of our troops then getting involved in the middle east again i.e. Iran especially since president doofy was "against" the Iraq war and he and his supporters think illegal immigration is such a big problem. Why not utilize the troops for something useful to them.
2. having a comprehensive immigration reform plan with an emphasis of allowing migrant workers passes for those central americans to do the work Americans wont do bere. They provide us services here in peace and send money back home. Helping us and the economy of their country of origin.
Before they start complaining about the kids of migrant workers. They could include in the provision of the immigration law not allowing chidren of legal migrant workers naturally born in the U.S. to become U.S. citizens. As a condition of migrant worker status.
The forum is filled with cacs.I don’t get why folk are happy about this but oh well.
that cheap labor going along with it
hotel prices, fruits and veggies all going up
when nikkas gotta pay livable wages to get they lawns mowed
There is a crisis going on but how do all these people have all that money to pay coyotes to cross the border if they are so poor and destitute?
These coyotes are making BANK. Nothing is free. The people who are really suffering aren't crossing the border.
All these pictures have people in name brand clothing with not a single hole in them. They got a gang of children. Maybe stop making children you can't feed? That might help. lol
American will do the work illegals will do. Its called farming and landscaping. Thing is, Americans are smart enough, not to work for pennies. Corrupt companies need to stop being cheap and pay a decent wage.
They really want me to believe this person with a jordan branded shirt is scared, poor, and need a better life?
Contrary to your American dream expectations, MOST AMERICANS ARENT WALKING AROUND IN ALL JORDAN GEAR. Hell I need them to give me some money.