Trump Will Start Deporting Millions of Illegal Immigrants Next Week

the cool

May 1, 2012
Everyone always talks about the Hispanics. Who I really wanna see go is these racist ass Koreans and Chinese . It’s still mind boggling to me that people don’t talk about them. Illegal hoe houses all over the country and beating up black women at their businesses, living in America 40 plus years and not even speaking any English and feeling no shame about it. I know this applies to the Hispanics too but :scust: the sneaky Asians need to stop getting a pass too

How hard is it for these idiot Feds to raid the Chinatowns and Koreatowns

How you gonna be illegal and have your own towns? :gucci:
All Chinese Japanese koreanese are here legally I thought? Cuz they need that passport to get across, it’s not like Mexicans just crossing the border

And I have no clue how the Asian whore houses are legal. They have to pay the police a lot of money. They have a lot here in Dallas
Apr 30, 2012
Such a clown move. I understand why many Repubs/conservatives are turning on Trump with his empty promises because it's obvious he's trying to make a deal with Dems using silly and counter productive public announcements about pending actions to address an issue he claimed to be decisive about

Seems like something they should just do instead of announcing it to the country beforehand.
this. I really hate all politicians


Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
So are we all pretending like there aren't literally thousands of Black immigrants caught up in this as well?

I simply can not celebrate racism of any form. Every country should be treated equally in regards to having a path to legal immigration.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
creating the fear is part of the strategy.
The road to totalitarianism, fascism, authoritarianism is not paved with gold. And you don't become Nazi, Germany overnight. Kristallnacht did not happen in 30 seconds.

And I already see TLR. I'm not caping for illegal immigrants at all. I'm a child of immigrants that got their papers.

I'm just saying, they got alot of y'all where they want you and TLR is getting played AF. Alot of y'all really don't know what this administration is doing.
So y'all support the ICE concentration camps as well? If ya'lll support this?
Y'all support children as young as 2 dying of malnutrition and in these camps?
The Trump Administration Has Let 24 People Die in ICE Custody
Y'all support children and teens getting molested, raped, and abused in these camps?
Cause that's what happening there.
1,224 Complaints Reveal a Staggering Pattern of Sexual Abuse in Immigration Detention. Half of Those Accused Worked for ICE.
Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says
And you could say no...I don't support that...but do support this...
And it wouldn't matter.
By proxy you essentially agree whatever happens to the people ICE detains is their own fault and if they die, get raped, or have to live is squalor in a prison camp that used to be a Walmart because HYON

And that's exactly where they want you.
You could point out all of those stastics about immigration, legal and illegal, and employment, and the black community
That's exactly where they want you.
It's like some of y'all have forgotten the extreme white supremacy and white nationalism this administration runs on and indirectly you're supporting it by supporting that.
I'm frankly just amazed at how soon people forget their moral compass (if they had any) just because some racist politician does something you agree with, that makes you ignore the extreme anti-blackness exhibited by Trump and his followers.

I'm pretty sure the people in Nazi, Germany thought of themselves as "good people" with a moral compass as the bodies piled up in death camps and they looked the other way and they were just following orders and living their lives like everything was normal.

There really is no difference between a person who'd report Jews to the Nazis and someone who'd report an illegal immigrant to ICE and someone who'd call the cops on a black person just for bbqing out in a public park cause they were scared.

I'm just thoroughly disgusted as to how much right wing politic and alt right rhetoric has infiltrated this sub-forum...I really deadass think this board had to of become swarmed by cracka ass crackas. Or the Trump fanboys getting hella comfortable now. Either way, it's gross.


Aug 12, 2012
All Chinese Japanese koreanese are here legally I thought? Cuz they need that passport to get across, it’s not like Mexicans just crossing the border

And I have no clue how the Asian whore houses are legal. They have to pay the police a lot of money. They have a lot here in Dallas

A lot aren’t legal. This is why when they run into issues with black women in their businesses they always try to attack and use their own vigilante justice. Other than that being in their culture to be classless and attack in those situations...they don’t call police cause do not want to deal with the law cause they are hiding something. As I’m typing this I also thought of something else. They don’t seem to hire security guards either . Why not? :jbhmm:

There may be one or two such as the owner that is legal but then the workers there are illegal.

And the ho houses though is what is even more mind boggling to me cause it’s obvious as hell. They have them all over major cities a lot on like every block. Big ass bright led lights with “SPA” in giant letters open all night being sus as hell. And the wild part is they register these businesses :dead:

When they get raided somehow they return lmao. I don’t get how the government operates man. You gotta be right about them paying off cops. It’s probably some Chinese and Korean millionaires everywhere that handle the paying off. That has to be it

Mexicans and Central Americans are broke as hell so they can’t be ignored as much


Aug 12, 2012
All Chinese Japanese koreanese are here legally I thought? Cuz they need that passport to get across, it’s not like Mexicans just crossing the border

And I have no clue how the Asian whore houses are legal. They have to pay the police a lot of money. They have a lot here in Dallas

Oh I forgot to address the Japanese. Now the Japanese are definitely here legally for the most part. They are usually here temporarily for college or for business. I have no clue why they handle their business right but a lot of the other Asians don’t

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
I mean, what other alternative is there? They have to go. Illegals are a drain on our system, sapping resources that should be reserved for American citizens and depressing wages in industries that cynically use them to avoid paying what's right to jobless Americans. I see absolutely nothing positive about letting them remain here. :yeshrug:

These new Liberals and Progressives are supporting Ronald Reagan immigration policy.

But they call us supporting White Supremacy tho. :mjlol:

The Democratic Party used to be the party of the Working Class and Labor Unions.

They were against the flood of immigrants from the Southern Border.

But shyt changed when they realized they could give citizenship to illegal immigrants from the Southern Border and turn them into a permanent voting block. :mjpls:

Like how they was able to make the Black population into a permanent voting block after the Civil Rights Bill.


MIami Beach on the check-in.
May 3, 2012
Miami Beach, FL

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
The road to totalitarianism, fascism, authoritarianism is not paved with gold. And you don't become Nazi, Germany overnight. Kristallnacht did not happen in 30 seconds.

And I already see TLR. I'm not caping for illegal immigrants at all. I'm a child of immigrants that got their papers.

I'm just saying, they got alot of y'all where they want you and TLR is getting played AF. Alot of y'all really don't know what this administration is doing.
So y'all support the ICE concentration camps as well? If ya'lll support this?
Y'all support children as young as 2 dying of malnutrition and in these camps?
The Trump Administration Has Let 24 People Die in ICE Custody
Y'all support children and teens getting molested, raped, and abused in these camps?
Cause that's what happening there.
1,224 Complaints Reveal a Staggering Pattern of Sexual Abuse in Immigration Detention. Half of Those Accused Worked for ICE.
Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says
And you could say no...I don't support that...but do support this...
And it wouldn't matter.
By proxy you essentially agree whatever happens to the people ICE detains is their own fault and if they die, get raped, or have to live is squalor in a prison camp that used to be a Walmart because HYON

And that's exactly where they want you.
You could point out all of those stastics about immigration, legal and illegal, and employment, and the black community
That's exactly where they want you.
It's like some of y'all have forgotten the extreme white supremacy and white nationalism this administration runs on and indirectly you're supporting it by supporting that.
I'm frankly just amazed at how soon people forget their moral compass (if they had any) just because some racist politician does something you agree with, that makes you ignore the extreme anti-blackness exhibited by Trump and his followers.

I'm pretty sure the people in Nazi, Germany thought of themselves as "good people" with a moral compass as the bodies piled up in death camps and they looked the other way and they were just following orders and living their lives like everything was normal.

There really is no difference between a person who'd report Jews to the Nazis and someone who'd report an illegal immigrant to ICE and someone who'd call the cops on a black person just for bbqing out in a public park cause they were scared.

I'm just thoroughly disgusted as to how much right wing politic and alt right rhetoric has infiltrated this sub-forum...I really deadass think this board had to of become swarmed by cracka ass crackas. Or the Trump fanboys getting hella comfortable now. Either way, it's gross.

You over there typing out dissertations when this one article crushes everything you said:
Liberals say immigration enforcement is racist, but the group most likely to benefit from it is black men

"The beneficiaries of immigration enforcement [are] working-class blacks, who are often passed over for jobs by unscrupulous employers"

"Some 800 immigrant laborers, most of them from Mexico, lost their jobs last year after an audit by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The Cloverhill Bakery, owned by Aryzta, a big Swiss food conglomerate, had to hire new workers, 80% to 90% of whom are African American.
According to the Chicago Sun Times, the new workers are paid $14 per hour, or $4 per hour more than the (illegal) immigrant workers."

"The Harvard economist George Borjas has found that, between 1980 and 2000, one-third of the decline in the employment among black male high school dropouts was attributable to immigration.
He also reported “a strong correlation between immigration, black wages, black employment rates, and black incarceration rates.”

So let you tell it, we need to bow our heads, take a deep sigh, go sell some crack and fill up prisons, all because we need to do everything we can to not LOOK (key word) like we support right wing policies. :unimpressed:

this is what I mean by spineless always staring down at the ground docile SUPERc00nS in our community controlling the narrative...

nah. ADOS ain't having it no more...take this voice trembling, we all gon die weak ass shyt on somewhere...fukk them illegals, and fukk anybody that's supporting them, don't give a fukk about politics :what:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
The Democratic Party used to be the party of the Working Class and Labor Unions.

They were against the flood of immigrants from the Southern Border.

and this is supported by so many documents, news clips, and actual statements it's not even funny...

but when you're a part of a cult, none of that shyt matters...

i swear that democrats could bring back indentured servitude for black people in the south struggling to pay bills and these dudes would co-sign it.

"well, white supremacy and racism finally forced their hands! ain't nothing else they could do!" :mjlol: