I really can't see the immigrant shyt working outside of throwing them in prisons/labor camps. Even then that's a stretch.
But anybody foolish enough to think Trump will do right by black folks, as oppose to black folks trying to squeeze what they can out of a fukked up situation, is not now, nor where they ever a serious person.
Just arresting and processing all these immigrants would clog the system not to mention the massive expense.
They say that if every one arrested on a certain day all plead not guilty it would clog the court system.
The only way this could work is if you did it illegally and seized their money and made them pay for transport then using every single lane in the Government and fly them out without any prosessing at all of course every other flight would have to be canceled.
Or they could use every boat in the Navy but that would take way longer and those ships would be offline for weeks and Fentanyl would flood in without the Coast boats to stop it.
I say all of that to say it can not happen if Trump did it him and everyone who took part would be subject to the internation criminal court besides all the recieving countries wouldn't accept their people.
You have to totallt suspend disbelief and common sense and just Trust Trump to do this.
He didn't do it last time and when he tried to put kids in cages even he couldn't take the pressure and fell back.
He will do the same thing again.
This could either go 2 ways. If America breaks the rules on handling asylum seekers the international community will either stop looking to America for leadership and view it as a fallen Westen society OR it starts a chain reaction of other white right leaning nations doing the same. France, Germany, Italy, Greece.. and just like that the human rights protections for asylum seekers are erased opening the doors for abuses we haven't seen since mass colonization.
It's a roll of the dice and no outcome is a win.
In reality their best legal effort at deportation would end up resembling what Obama was doing with internment camps and mass processing. Either way the shyt Trump promises will be hard to do in the sensational fashion he claims.
Oh they're putting the kibosh on asylum seekers.
If you really want to bash Kamala and Biden you could say people were clearly gaming the Asylum system they should have and shut it down.
That's where the rules following Biden fukked up. If he said all these mexican nikkas is capping they couldn't get in like that you could've simply turned them over at the Mexican boarder and at some point the Mexican government would profile these people and deny them entry.
Throw say 20 million at Mexico to secure their southern border do the same in Panama and you get way less people.
I'm guessing that europe will also mass deny asylum seekers that don't apply at the embassy so all you have to deal with is extreme rash outs who will try to sneak in
Trump will restart the internment Remain in Mexico and we will pay for food clothing and shelter for these kick outs
Anything else he suggests is not gonna happen period.
Needless to say anyone going through the legal process getting their citizenship straight will remain untouched especially in sancturary cities so the brehitos that voted for Trump are correct they ain't getting deported.
So all those Black jobs that anyone can do will still be staffed by the same brehitos that staff them now.