I'm starting to realize the average American is a damn idiot who just repeats what he reads on social media feeds and comments sections and calls it enlightened thinking.
They have no idea what they're ever talking about and just want to be passively supportive of white supremacists under some guise of being uncompromisingly pro-black.
The election should've told all these fake militants: there is NO REALITY where a President running on reparations for African Americans win. Enough with these ridiculous social media hashtag fantasies. African Americans don't decide elections and elections don't come to a halt because African Americans decided they're not voting. This is a racist as country and you never gonna get everything you want from one damn election. What don't people get?
White people would never ever cosign any reparations for Black people and thats a fact..
but they'll glady take them.

For anyone to think White America would ever sanction reparations payouts to Black folks is a total retard that has failed to grasp the nature of the Caucasian whilst living and sharing space with them.
Whites wont even acknowledge slavery took place and some call it a jobs skills program.
How are folks 100s of years deep in direct White experience but still dumb enough to think those Snow Demons will give you a single dime for ancient back pay done by an ancestor.