Trump sued by Central Park Five for defamation over claims made during Harris debate

that guy

Jan 25, 2014

A study done by the NAACP and the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) found that when looking at the top 25 major cities in California from 2006 to 2008, Black people were incarcerated for marijuana offenses at four to twelve times the rate of white people. However, San Francisco had such low marijuana arrests the city was not even included in the study. This suggests that, when Harris was DA, marijuana convictions also likely were relatively low and that, accordingly, the claim that Harris “prosecuted minor drug offenses ruthlessly” is not accurate.

She also started a program for first time offenders where they could earn their GED, job training and benefits. Once they completed their program, their record was expunged.

It was highly successful, and only 10% of people who completed the program were convicted of a crime again.

She was truly at the forefront of a lot of major criminal justice reform that we want to see happen. She stopped the trans panic defense, required her officers to wear body cams, refused to seek the death penalty, created re-entry programs, aimed to stop truancy - realizing that truancy led to incarceration, ignored prop 8, required officers to take implicit bias tests.

And she did this at a time when it wasn’t popular to do so.

She has some errors of course, and she has political moments too - where she’s clearly appealing to the people she needs to appeal to in order to keep power.

But we can’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. And we also can’t have progress without failures and missteps - so punishing people who try is not the way to go.

What does any of this have to do with my post? :gucci:

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
You said she only cared about conviction rates while her district had extremely low marijuana conviction rates compared to the rest of her state.

Do you have any evidence that supports your opinion about conviction rates or is it just how you feel?
My post was about the hypocrisy of claiming to be against the Donald trump letter against the Central Park 5 but co-signing the same party that curated and spearheaded the same exact “super predator” narrative and negative stereotype of black youth that Donald trump did. I used Kamala’s track record of prosecuting innocent black men like Jamal trulove as an example of her hypocrisy. Her conviction rates are irrelevant to the argument and are just the typical straw man tactic that the blue maga shills use.

Do you have any evidence that supports your opinion about conviction rates or is it just how you feel?
I have plenty of evidence and I’ve broken down Kamala’s record countless times on here but that’s not the point because it’s a straw man argument to deflect from my actual point. This is what political shills always do, respond with ad hominem sassy attacks or simply ignore the post.

I’ll reiterate the question and let’s see if it’s ignored again:

How does one reconcile being against trump for his anti-black letter against the Central Park 5 while supporting the same party that actually curated and created anti-black policy around the anti-black narrative he was writing about?

Democrats not only curated the narrative, they used the narrative to create the most anti-black policy of the last 50 years: the Joe Biden & storm Thurman crime bills. These bills ushered in the period known as “the new Jim Crow”

If you’re against trump because of the Central Park 5 letters but vote democrat then you’re a hypocrite and a political shill. I don’t support either one of them :yeshrug:


Oct 8, 2014
Her conviction rates are irrelevant to the argument and are just the typical straw man tactic that the blue maga shills use.
The same type of character deficit prosecutor like Kamala Harris that only care about conviction rates.

You brought up Kamala caring only about conviction rates. But we can’t respond to that because conviction rates are irrelevant?

It’s looking like you don’t even wanna debate the very topics YOU brought up. Now conviction rates are a straw man huh…

The election itself is really just about voting in the lesser of two evils…. If you bring up the crime bill from 30 years ago as proof why Kamala Harris shouldn’t be president. I’d bring up the justice in policing act that was pushed as a current day agenda that republicans blocked.

Try to actually follow what’s going on in politics in the current day and give your opinions on which party is better for our community. Trump has no problem pushing for the execution of innocent black men. Kamala never pushed for the execution of innocent black men.

The democrat party as a whole isn’t pushing for crime bill esque legislation while the Republican Party is and Trump reiterated that the innocent men deserved to die even though they were found innocent and released. I’m not sure how you can say both parties are the same at this point.
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that guy

Jan 25, 2014

You brought up Kamala caring only about conviction rates. But we can’t respond to that because conviction rates are irrelevant?

It’s looking like you don’t even wanna debate the very topics YOU brought up. Now conviction rates are a straw man huh…

The election itself is really just about voting in the lesser of two evils…. If you bring up the crime bill from 30 years ago as proof why Kamala Harris shouldn’t be president. I’d bring up the justice in policing act that was pushed as a current day agenda that republicans blocked.

Try to actually follow what’s going on in politics in the current day and give your opinions on which party is better for our community. Trump has no problem pushing for the execution of innocent black men. Kamala never pushed for the execution of innocent black men.
This is what political shills always do, respond with ad hominem sassy attacks or simply ignore the post.

I’ll reiterate the question and let’s see if it’s ignored again:

How does one reconcile being against trump for his anti-black letter against the Central Park 5 while supporting the same party that actually curated and created anti-black policy around the anti-black narrative he was writing about?
Like clockwork :russ:


Oct 8, 2014
How does one reconcile being against trump for his anti-black letter against the Central Park 5 while supporting the same party that actually curated and created anti-black policy around the anti-black narrative he was writing about?

The democrat party as a whole isn’t pushing for crime bill esque legislation while the Republican Party is and Trump reiterated that the innocent men deserved to die even though they were found innocent and released. I’m not sure how you can say both parties are the same at this point.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Trump wrote a letter that had nothing to do with their actual court case.

It was a democrat prosecutor that actually sent them to prison. The same type of character deficit prosecutor like Kamala Harris that only care about conviction rates. Her office routinely prosecuted innocent black people like Jamal trulove.

At the same time trump wrote the infamous letter, democrats like Biden and Hilary Clinton were creating the same “super predator” narrative that trump was alluding to in his letter.

Y’all are not serious.
Yeah, your act is tired. It's not enough that you were actively defending and downplaying David Duke, now you're trying to sanitize Trump calling for them to be executed?

It was more than just a "letter too," it was a call for their execution. It was a racist and inflammatory statement that reflects a dangerous disregard for justice and due process, especially wrt Black men. It exemplified the harmful rhetoric often used in the context of race and crime, highlighting a tendency to scapegoat and vilify Black people without evidence. He was perpetuating racial stereotypes and contributing to the culture of fear and discrimination that we had to live under. No one is making any excuses for the DA, nor are they excusing the racist cops who coerced their confession. The fact that you're trying to deflect to something that no one has done revels your own bankrupt, racist nature.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Yeah, your act is tired. It's not enough that you were actively defending and downplaying David Duke, now you're trying to sanitize Trump calling for them to be executed?

It was more than just a "letter too," it was a call for their execution. It was a racist and inflammatory statement that reflects a dangerous disregard for justice and due process, especially wrt Black men. It exemplified the harmful rhetoric often used in the context of race and crime, highlighting a tendency to scapegoat and vilify Black people without evidence. He was perpetuating racial stereotypes and contributing to the culture of fear and discrimination that we had to live under. No one is making any excuses for the DA, nor are they excusing the racist cops who coerced their confession. The fact that you're trying to deflect to something that no one has done revels your own bankrupt, racist nature.
Nobody is going to fall for your “David duke defender” YOU are the Robert Byrd and Netanyahu defender.
How many threads do you want me to embarrass you in?:russ:

It was more than just a "letter too," it was a call for their execution
That’s still a letter you dumb shill :dahell:

It exemplified the harmful rhetoric often used in the context of race and crime, highlighting a tendency to scapegoat and vilify Black people without evidence. He was perpetuating racial stereotypes and contributing to the culture of fear and discrimination that we had to live under. No one is making any excuses for the DA, nor are they excusing the racist cops who coerced their confession.
You’re not disagreeing with anything I said, you’re just talking for daps :what:

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
The democrat party as a whole isn’t pushing for crime bill esque legislation while the Republican Party is and Trump reiterated that the innocent men deserved to die even though they were found innocent and released. I’m not sure how you can say both parties are the same at this point.

Why would they push for legislation that they already passed? The question is why would they introduce and pass that kind of anti-black legislation in the first place?

I didn’t say both parties are the same, I pointed out hypocrisy of recognizing racism and general anti-black behavior from one party while you intentionally turn a blind eye and even defend the other party for doing the exact same thing or worse.

The same people with the fake outrage over trumps letter, voted for this man:

It’s literally the same exact thing. Biden is worse because he’s making this speech as a sitting politician and lawmaker and he’s using the same trump language to justify passing anti-black policies that ended up devastating the black community.


May 24, 2022