77 million retards threw this country into the abyss
If we ever make it back, the way businesses are organized needs to change. The current set up is anti democratic and produces and empowers authoritarians like Donald Trump and elon musk.
The country will need a top to bottom renovation to prevent this from ever happening again.
-Every state should have at least one free or 75% subsidized college.
-Every business that is publicly traded must give all employees stock and voting power.
-I genuinely suspect there are millions of people in this country with learning disabilities or developmental disabilities. We need a public Healthcare option so these people can be diagnosed and treated as youth before they turn into the kind of people who simply ignore basic facts and science and REFUSE to listen to reason.
-This is an unpopular idea but I'd like those types to be put into labor camps and forcefully re educated so they actually learn how to think. If they truly are beyond teaching, they're put on a registry and not allowed to vote ever again. They would also be sterilized and put on a registry so they can never pass their hatred and stupidity down to children.
-No felon can ever run for office. It is illegal and no state can put a felon on the ballot.
- Supreme Court justices must run and be elected. All elected and appointed officials must be retired at 65 unless they turn 65 while serving their term, then when their term is up they are barred from running for re election. There are no more lifetime appointments.
- A new constitution not written by rich slave owners.
-A second bill of rights guaranteeing access to affordable shelter, food, and medical care for all Americans.
-Any business that attempts to inflate prices to negate the effects of a minimum wage increase will be given a choice: either use those record profits to pay your staff more or the government will seize 30-50% of the bonuses that would have gone to corporate leadership. That money is funneled right back into the social safety net. We need to stop tolerating anti worker and anti consumer behavior.
-Make homeschooling illegal.
-Make union busting a serious offense that will land you in prison if youre found guilty of doing it. Not a soft club fed prison either. Real prison where you have to worry about not being killed by murderers and rapists.