Who has benefitted the most by Trump being in office?
Billionaires and white supremacists. It's not that complicated. This country is full of people that were alive during Jim crow and who voted for people in congress that supported apartheid south Africa and Rhodesia. The trick theyve successfully convinced millions of Americans to fall for is that anti black racism is very old and ancient history. It's not. Black people have been in chains longer than they've been free in this country.
Billionaires wanted their tax cuts and they got them. They wanted deregulation and they got it. White supremacists wanted their Muslim ban and they got it. They wanted their wall and they got(the beginnings of) it. He will of course finish that project. He's an example of a politician that makes big policy change proposals then ACTUALLY tries to do it.
His leftward equivalent would be going around saying things like "I'm going to ban private equity from owning homes. Im going to cancel student loans. I'm going to raise the minimum wage to 25 dollars an hour. I'm going to deport wealthy foreigners that own multiple homes here. Our housing market isn't your investment! I'm going to jail any executive that uses undocumented migrants! I'm going to build 2 million houses every year with a federal jobs program! I'm going to negotiate good deals with China and Mexico, we're going to make a lot of money and they'll love us!"
The media will call him crazy, politicians will say he's unrealistic and living in a fantasy land from BOTH parties. The media will turn him into a clown.
But because all of those people are not normal human beings and have no clue how most people are living, just like in 2016 they'll be shocked and dumbfounded that a guy who promised drastic changes to his base actually got people energized to vote for him.
It's happened before. Ecclesiastes 1:9. If you know, you know.
Billionaires and white supremacist is too vague of a title, I’m talking about actually names
Like that Peter thiel dude and the guy he gets his philosophy from are examples of names I’m talking but I doubt he the only one backing the state of politics the past several years
For example what was the brexit shyt all about at around the same time trump talking about disbanding nato
Why has every media conglomerate given trump millions of dollars worth of tv time for free
What’s up with folks predicting the Asian pacific war for the past several years
But going off what you said with the word woke being hijacked and misappropriated, American citizens are ironically sleeping and been sleeping for decades