People don't want religious television. WesternGet ready for the push for religious television.
Facts, can't have no broad in the White house making collard greens in the bath tub. Ya'll think Project 2025 is bad, that shyt is worse.At least the president is not Indian passing as Black
Someone rep this manBlack c00ns didn’t put Trump in office. Ya’ll know exactly who did and you joke with them, shake hands, go to lunch, and talk about sports with them at work every day but you wouldn’t dare say anything derogatory about Trump to them. Talking shyt about black people is easier than fight white supremacy though.
I'm about to go on a downloading spree. This is going to impact way more shyt than y'all think.Make and keep hard copies of as much shyt you can as possible.
I'm legit worried about the book collection I have, everything from pan-Africanism to Marxism might get outlawed.