Professor Banneker comin through with the high quality posting as usualGood grief. A couple things folks need to realize:
1. No land has been targeted or taken yet. They are drafting a constitutional amendment to do so, primarily because the ANC fears losing votes to the EFF and others in elections next year.
2. The White farm murders, while horrible and should have been tackled better head on by the government, are often used by WS like Black on White murders are hyped in the USA. SA has one of the world's highest murder rates. Thousands of Blacks in townships and other areas are killed, often in the same brutal ways White farmers are.
3. The White farmers own lobby (AgriSA) states 47 White farmers were killed last year. This is down 2/3 from the peak in the 90s right after Apartheid ended. Again, not good and I wish no one harm but being worried about that while thousands of Blacks die in the same homicide wave is pretty telling.
4. While I want more land back with the Black Africans all this emotional kick Whites/Indians out crap isn't right. No African nation is served by not addressing the inequities created by colonialism but it also isn't served by turning its back on the rights of citizens and giving them that work just because of race.
5. Land reform in Africa has nowhere approached the crap other nations in Europe and Asia got away with against Germans and Japanese. I don't support the violence but acting like Africans are some unique savages in what they are trying to do is horseshyt.
6. I need to see a plan about training and financing poor Blacks to do large scale agriculture before anyone gets any land. Not because I don't want land reform to happen---I do but it gets screwed up when untrained and underfunded people get thrown on the land like in Zim. We'd be better off having the Brazilians train a bunch of folks, getting them started on land in Zim and other countries like Ethiopia and Tanzania to help them get back up to speed and then they'd be ready to use land in SA to its full potential.
Taking land is the LAST step in a successful land reform program. We should have like a 10 year plan, not some rush and grab joint.
7. This whole thing started when a group from SA, the Institute for Race Relations visited the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in DC, and gave a talk predicted food security collapse and social chaos if land reform went through. Tucker Carlson interviewed someone from Cato and then tweeted and here we are.
Good grief. A couple things folks need to realize:
1. No land has been targeted or taken yet. They are drafting a constitutional amendment to do so, primarily because the ANC fears losing votes to the EFF and others in elections next year.
2. The White farm murders, while horrible and should have been tackled better head on by the government, are often used by WS like Black on White murders are hyped in the USA. SA has one of the world's highest murder rates. Thousands of Blacks in townships and other areas are killed, often in the same brutal ways White farmers are.
3. The White farmers own lobby (AgriSA) states 47 White farmers were killed last year. This is down 2/3 from the peak in the 90s right after Apartheid ended. Again, not good and I wish no one harm but being worried about that while thousands of Blacks die in the same homicide wave is pretty telling.
4. While I want more land back with the Black Africans all this emotional kick Whites/Indians out crap isn't right. No African nation is served by not addressing the inequities created by colonialism but it also isn't served by turning its back on the rights of citizens and giving them that work just because of race.
5. Land reform in Africa has nowhere approached the crap other nations in Europe and Asia got away with against Germans and Japanese. I don't support the violence but acting like Africans are some unique savages in what they are trying to do is horseshyt.
6. I need to see a plan about training and financing poor Blacks to do large scale agriculture before anyone gets any land. Not because I don't want land reform to happen---I do but it gets screwed up when untrained and underfunded people get thrown on the land like in Zim. We'd be better off having the Brazilians train a bunch of folks, getting them started on land in Zim and other countries like Ethiopia and Tanzania to help them get back up to speed and then they'd be ready to use land in SA to its full potential.
Taking land is the LAST step in a successful land reform program. We should have like a 10 year plan, not some rush and grab joint.
7. This whole thing started when a group from SA, the Institute for Race Relations visited the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in DC, and gave a talk predicted food security collapse and social chaos if land reform went through. Tucker Carlson interviewed someone from Cato and then tweeted and here we are.
There's nothing racist about it unless you want to see it that way. Land (wealth) redistribution has always been at the cornerstone of left wing politics and socialist philosophy :blessed1:
All they are doing is taking the land from the excessively wealthy who dominate it, like fukking 5% own 70% of the land or something horrible like that, and giving it to the deserving working class South Africans. Why do you have to make it a white and black thing, when it is clearly a parasitic capitalist class against a deserving working class thing?
You're only going to see a racial angle to this if you are in fact a racist. Everybody else will view it in entirely justifiable and purely economic terms.
trump couldnt even find south africa on a mapNothing will happen
They may take a couple boer refugees and stick em in idaho but but no US intervention.
African nations would kick the entire africom out.
Jesus Christ. Apparently Tucker Carlson did a segment on this about a couple hours ago.
Aug. 22, 2018 - 6:54 - 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' exclusive: South African president Cyril Ramaphosa has just begun the process of seizing land from his own citizens, without compensation, purely due to their skin color. That's far more racist than anything Donald Trump has ever done, of course, but elites in America barely even care. #Tucker
Removed video because I'm not given that cac more spins
There's nothing racist about it unless you want to see it that way. Land (wealth) redistribution has always been at the cornerstone of left wing politics and socialist philosophy :blessed1:
All they are doing is taking the land from the excessively wealthy who dominate it, like fukking 5% own 70% of the land or something horrible like that, and giving it to the deserving working class South Africans. Why do you have to make it a white and black thing, when it is clearly a parasitic capitalist class against a deserving working class thing?
You're only going to see a racial angle to this if you are in fact a racist. Everybody else will view it in entirely justifiable and purely economic terms.
47 farmers were killed last year? There’s like 3.5 million whites in SA
1. I hope it doesn't get violent
2. Lands STOLEN should be returned
3. Lands NOT stolen, should not be returned.
4. Dont kill people