Bill Clinton committed perjury though. He lied under oath about what he did.
Trump is guilty as hell but this impeachment is a complete waste of time. They won't get 20 Republicans and every Democrat / Independent in the Senate to convict Trump. Hell they'll be lucky if Joe Manchin votes to convict him let along getting any Republicans at all.
The American public in general doesn't hold Trump accountable for anything he does so this will fail and more than likely Democrats will pay the price when it does. This was all a waste of political capital.
Bill Clinton committed perjury because he wasn't trying to reveal something embarrassing about himself and he was trying to save his marriage. He didn't do anything egregious. Republicans literally wanted to impeachment him from the moment they got control of the House & Senate after the 1994 midterms. The Whitewater investigation was going nowhere and then they got a tip about the Lewinsky affair and ran with it. They thought that they "got" Bill.
Bill showed a lack of moral character in his affair but many Presidents have cheated on their wives (it just wasn't exposed) so what he did wasn't really impeachable. Trump has done much worse things than Bill.
This is not a waste because 50-53% of the American public wants Trump to be impeached AND removed. Also, just because Republicans are unlikely to remove him from office doesn't mean much. Democrats got control of the House because the American public wanted there to be at least SOME form of a check on Trump. The Ukraine scandal is worth impeachment and even if most Americans were opposed to impeachment, it's still the constitutionally right thing to do and Democrats unlike Republicans take their oath of office seriously.
If Democrats just let Trump slide, then ANY president could do the same thing in the future and get away with it and that's WRONG. Stop being a scaredy cat breh.