I often wonder this too. When you talk to brainwashed cult Trump supporters (which are everywhere in TX), they think the impeachment really is a hoax. I stopped even discussing this with them.
I then say, you know Trump’s failed tariffs are really another unnecessary tax on the American public. I then say, did you know that on average, every American has to spend an additional $1K a year because of the tariffs? Did you know Trump is bailing out farmers because it’s needlessly hurting them? Did you know your tax dollars are being used to bailout farmers, to the cost of billions and billions of dollars? Why are you okay with taxes basically being raised for Trump’s idiotic trade war? Do you want the ability to buy cheap electronics and goods? Trump is taking that away from you. You are negatively affected because of Trumps tariffs (I.e. taxes). I thought republicans were against tax increases. What changed?