Political suicide in what sense? Ron Johnson isn't up for re-election until 2022. It's harder to primary senators considering they represent a whole state instead of just a small ultra-Trump house district.
They are in a lose-lose situation right now b/c If the evidence is overwhelming with numerous witnesses and they still give him a pass, then they will get bodied by independents and a Dem base out for blood.
I hope so. Regardless of whether or not fear of being primaried is the reason, Republicans stay on code. You see it. Whatever Johnson’s reason is, he isn’t budging on Trump.
You have more faith in independents than me. The Repubs will stay on message that Trump was draining the swamp of corruption with the Ukraine situation and not targeting Biden for political reasons. They will duck and dodge and juelz about investigating Ukrainian interference on behalf of Hillary in 2016, a deep state coup of partisan Democrats, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Sztrok and Lisa Page, Democrats dividing the country and trying to nullify the 2016 election result, etc.
The question is will independents or whatever you call people who don’t have their mind already made up about this criminal president will give a fukk about any of this.
He already is openly treasonous and they’re like