People are coming to the realization that Phase 1 of The End is coming to a close
He will win in November because:
- White people in the MidWest have a death wish
- The GOP has gerrymandered districts to be favorable to them and rigged the courts to support it
- Everyone else that can stop this is comfortable right now so this is all just noise to them
It's over breh...the best we can do is continuously push onwards so that one day we can have a Dem House, Senate, and WH again, and then using what Trump and the GOP has established (ie. the President can do whatever he wants if he believes its in the best interest of the country) lay waste to everything they've done since 2016.
That's it. I just hope there's something left by then. In the meantime I hope the entire Left realizes that in AMERICA change is slow, and that it has never happened instantly, so constantly stomping your feet and being unwilling to compromise with people who want the same things, while the people who want to destroy all opportunity to achieve those things band together to do just that, is foolishness.
Republicans stick together no matter what
Democrats do their best to figure out why the next guy is not a Democrat

What you doing, is voter suppression. Stop thinking that Trump is going to win 100% and he is some super powered candidate.