Trump Has Tested Positive for COVID-19: About to Start Handing out Rona this Weekend

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
If you've been in contact with a positive case, and you know the other person is positive, it can take up to 14 days for a positive result to show up. This is why the immediate recommendation is to quarantine for 2 weeks at a minimum to make sure you're outside of the incubation period and therefore can't spread it to someone else. If after 14 days, you still test negative, high probability you're in the clear. But for example, the Press secretary tested every day since the Rose Garden event and didn't test positive until six or something days later. The tests only have a certain level of sensitivity. You need to have enough virus in your blood to set off the test for a positive test. If the viral load is too low, it won't be caught by the test.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

This is why the White House people's idea of as long as they have a negative test they don't have to wear a mask or social distance which seemed to have not occurred at that event, is retarded. They have all the best scientists at their disposal who probably told them this shyt a million times and they still acted like fools and now the White House is a fukking biohazard zone.

Rudy will test positive. I'm certain. I'm sure Pence probably will too unless he is just very lucky.

No positive cases that I know of, nor symptoms. Body temp gets checked multiple times a week, just yesterday it was 97 and some change.

I just wanted to be on the safe side :hubie:

But they seem pointless as contagious as it is.