?It's the same......Your attacking a police officer
A death sentence is the same as an alert message.
?It's the same......Your attacking a police officer
An alert system is the same as mandatory death penalties for killing a cop?
It's the same, attacking the police officer.?
A death sentence is the same as an alert message.
The law is attacking a police officer?It's the same, attacking the police officer.
It's the same, your attacking a police officer
It's the same, attacking the police officer.
It's the same, attacking the police officer
It's the same......Your attacking a police officer
The law is attacking a police officer?
Dude is a republican meat rider just like his daddy Flex
They do if u agree with themHL doesn’t take TLR posters seriously lol
Massa’s housepet KOONS got their wish for Massa to kill Black people with impunity..Full immunity for police officers?
AmeriKKKa is founded on a framework of Racism and systemic oppression to exploit.
Everything it does, it does through a White AmeriKKKan Patriarchal lense to keep that foundation by sayin
“who can I oppress with this as I as a white man first and white woman second gain from it and enforce the social hierarchy”
Issue #1: ppl aren’t Christian enough according to AmeriKKKa (enforce white Patriarchy)
Issue #2: women aren’t oppressed enough under said Christian framework.
To remind white women of their place as second in command.
Issue #3: More Black ppl need to become slaves again through a legal system and we need to be able to kill them with more impunity
AmeriKKKa has concrete plans and is putting proper things in motion for it.
China’s framework, self-image and how it views the world is simply not as psychopathic as AmeriKKKa.
Sending endless amounts of money to lsrael, a white supremacist Apartheid state that also has the same socio-hierarchal framework and desires to expand on the backs and blood of non-white ppl falls right into AmeriKKKa’s framework.
What does AmeriKKKa gain? Geopolitical power and with the Guez canal right there, an opportunity to create the Ben Gurion canal money printer with lsrael as its ally in Judeo-Christian fascism by way of Evangelical Christianity, colonialism and genocide
Evangelical Christianity and joint US/lsraeli propaganda to paint Palestinians as savages that would benefit from colonialism like they did with Indigenous Americans and Africans, is used to acquire consent for the means to do it.
We/I simply don’t agree with AmeriKKKa’s plans,
but they’re definitely there and in line with how it sees itself.
(a white colonial Christian ruler with impunity that has non-white subjects)