Trump expected to pick Linda McMahon, former wrestling executive, to head Department of Education, sources say


May 8, 2012
Not in this precedent, being assigned to a position where your boss is trying to get rid of and I guarantee you most if the wrestlers on that roster were public school students.

People knew of Trump and his exploits prior to 88.
I said "when most of us didn't know who the f he was..." Unless we're a bunch of 60 year olds in here, most of us were gotdamn children :pachaha: Point being, people are out here actin' brand-new about this Linda shyt like they don't know Trump been cool with them MFs forever. This ain't even the first time she's been on his team. Why is anyone shocked?
May 1, 2012
Just because @Norrin Radd agrees with you doesn't make something objectively racist. Racism isn't determined by consensus or who dislikes the people involved. It's determined by content, context, and the impact it has. Criticism of a Black wrestler isn't automatically racist, especially when it's coming from another Black person. And no, that's not me ignoring the fact that Black people can have internalized bias and project it onto other Black people, but that's clearly not what's going on here because the criticism doesn't reinforce racist language, tropes, or harmful stereotypes. This is just pathetic, petty tribalism.

I'm not here to defend that person or their bad-faith criticism, but you're going to have to do more than "other people think it's racist" to make that case. No offense to @Norrin Radd.

As far as the defense claim. Can you explain the purpose in you making that comment directly after I made mine?

What? I know you clicked on the link. See, it's these little dishonest things you do to avoid shyt. What does an "angry" reaction signify? And what does a "thumbs up" signify? Why is @Cattle Mutilation co-signing comments like that then pretending to care about how Black wrestlers are treated? Now, as for the second part - yes, I showed you that post because it's relevant. It's an example of a reductive and dismissive analysis of both Bianca and her fans. It assumes we lack critical judgment and can't rate a wrestler for legitimate reasons beyond race. Worse, it downplays Bianca's talent and accomplishments in an industry that already does that by default. It's bad enough when another Black person says that, but it's worse when a white person co-signs it and butts into conversations they should just observe pretending like they really care.

To the first part, there's no other wrestler that left WWE that has a dishonest bad-faith (in your words) "hate thread," only a black woman who said (and was co-signed by Naomi) that a producer said some terrible things to them. How is race not a factor? And even the "she likes Vince!" thing isn't a defense of it because she said she appreciated what he did for her but also that he's said out of pocket things as well and that she will never let someone speak to her like that again. This is more of the same only using certain things to fill a narrative and missing the whole scope of what's going on. So yes, I do believe that thread is racist and the guy you're talking about can't even decide if he's black or not, he said he doesn't know Lol.

To the second part, the guy who said that shyt about Bianca, I don't even like that guy.. You're right that Cattle shouldn't have dapped that post so no argument from me there. I'm not sure what it has to do with anything I've said in here. You're not calling out the guy who made the post, why? Me posting after you.. had nothing to do with you personally, you should know that I have no problem quoting someone directly, I do it all the time, sometimes to the point where people get angry and say I'm derailing :mjlol:
Sep 15, 2015
To the first part, there's no other wrestler that left WWE that has a dishonest bad-faith (in your words) "hate thread," only a black woman who said (and was co-signed by Naomi) that a producer said some terrible things to them. How is race not a factor? And even the "she likes Vince!" thing isn't a defense of it because she said she appreciated what he did for her but also that he's said out of pocket things as well and that she will never let someone speak to her like that again. This is more of the same only using certain things to fill a narrative and missing the whole scope of what's going on. So yes, I do believe that thread is racist and the guy you're talking about can't even decide if he's black or not, he said he doesn't know Lol.

To the second part, the guy who said that shyt about Bianca, I don't even like that guy.. You're right that Cattle shouldn't have dapped that post so no argument from me there. I'm not sure what it has to do with anything I've said in here. You're not calling out the guy who made the post, why? Me posting after you.. had nothing to do with you personally, you should know that I have no problem quoting someone directly, I do it all the time, sometimes to the point where people get angry and say I'm derailing :mjlol:

You're framing this as if the criticism comes from a place of racism, but you haven't proven that. The reality is that it was made because someone is being petty over Mercedes deciding to leave the WWE, bet on herself and chose to make a name outside of the company. They're mocking her because she seems to be struggling in AEW. That's not racism; it's them taking pleasure in her not living up to expectations. It's bad-faith criticism rooted in fanboy tribalism, not racial animus.

Whether you "like" that person or not is irrelevant. What matters is consistency, since you're trying to push this standard in defense of a white dude: "Anyone in TSC who giggles alongside known racist posters doesn't care about any of this..." It's good that you conceded the point. As far as what it has to do with this, doesn't that undermine the standard you're trying to push? And I did call that person out. I noticed the comment months after they made it. As far as your claim that what you said had nothing to do with what I said, the timing and context say otherwise. If it wasn't about me, it was conveniently placed to run cover. It wasn't really subtle, either.

Anyway, I think we both care about calling out racism in wrestling, even if we don't always see eye to eye on what's happening in specific cases. My issue is with people who exploit our plight, and that's something I can't get behind. I'll leave it at that.
May 1, 2012
You're framing this as if the criticism comes from a place of racism, but you haven't proven that.

The fact that the woman left in part over racist producers and then he started up the hate thread (notice you'll never see anything positive ever) and nobody else has one except a black woman who was talked down to by a white producer is all the proof I need and everyone else including @Norrin Radd has seen it and bytch boy has been ducking Norrin and others because of it... Meanwhile, Norrin has posted receipts here where confused boy Piff has made other racist comments or carried water for racist clowns in the industry... What more proof do I need.

I was told it got so bad that Piff had to put him on ignore :mjgrin: If that's the guy you want to cape for.... then by all means... but it ruins your entire argument lmaoo


Jul 3, 2018

Brad Piff

The Money & The Miles
May 1, 2012
San Diego
Fat Boy MAGA Piff trying to tag people in :mjlol: Pathetic.. :mjgrin:
you already tagged 2 other people into this thread before i ever did :mjgrin:pathetic

also, post proof of any racist comments i ever said. again, won’t happen just how you won’t post proof you’re black lol.
May 1, 2012
you already tagged 2 other people into this thread before i ever did :mjgrin:pathetic

also, post proof of any racist comments i ever said. again, won’t happen just how you won’t post proof you’re black lol.

You and the other stinky posters dodged the bet I had out there lol and @Norrin Radd posted all the receipts already and you ran away from him like a bytch... :mjlol:
Sep 15, 2015
The fact that the woman left in part over racist producers and then he started up the hate thread (notice you'll never see anything positive ever) and nobody else has one except a black woman who was talked down to by a white producer is all the proof I need and everyone else including @Norrin Radd has seen it and bytch boy has been ducking Norrin and others because of it... Meanwhile, Norrin has posted receipts here where confused boy Piff has made other racist comments or carried water for racist clowns in the industry... What more proof do I need.

I was told it got so bad that Piff had to put him on ignore :mjgrin: If that's the guy you want to cape for.... then by all means... but it ruins your entire argument lmaoo
See, I tried to wrap this up on a good note by emphasizing something we could see eye to eye on, since it was clear that this wasn't going anywhere, and continuing to engage with you was a waste of time. But instead, you just can't stop being a dishonest little bytch. It's bad enough that you deleted the meat of my comment, but it's even worse that you're outright lying about my intentions. I'm not carrying water for anyone, and you know that. Stop trying to rewrite this narrative to fit your weak arguments. Are you just so dishonest that you rely on playing dumb to the point that it stops you from acknowledging basic logic, because it doesn't fit your weak stance? Or is it something else?
May 1, 2012
See, I tried to wrap this up on a good note by emphasizing something we could see eye to eye on, since it was clear that this wasn't going anywhere, and continuing to engage with you was a waste of time. But instead, you just can't stop being a dishonest little bytch. It's bad enough that you deleted the meat of my comment, but it's even worse that you're outright lying about my intentions. I'm not carrying water for anyone, and you know that. Stop trying to rewrite this narrative to fit your weak arguments. Are you just so dishonest that you rely on playing dumb to the point that it stops you from acknowledging basic logic, because it doesn't fit your weak stance? Or is it something else?

I think you need to go back and re-read that post. Nobody said "you" were carrying water lmaoo. Don't try to tell me about "basic logic" when you're reading an entire paragraph incorrectly.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Breh can’t even say my name I’m Voldemort to that clown :pachaha:
He’s the definition of a basement dwelling, internet shyt talking beard. He kept on provoking me to meet up at wrestling shows for years, but when I invite him to my area he backs down. Then when he’s safely at home he goes back to shyt talking. I put that c*ntboy on ignore because I’m tired of his bullshyt.