Neo. The Only. The One.
I am sheepishly developing hope that this is all leading somewhere.
The thought of this nightmare coming to an end is an exciting thought indeed.
To me this Trump Era is a deadly serious moment in history. Fascists and Nazis will not die out completely, but Trump became their last great attempt at seizing power and destroying democracy.
I know that what we have so far isn't checkmate. But it's giving me a helluva charge.
Oh, it's over, bro. The FBI serving out subpoenas and searches like Mike Tyson served knockouts in the 80s and 90s. There is NO DOUBT that this is going somewhere. They got the goods on Trump and he knows it.
And this Justice Dept under Merrick Garland has proven that they don't make a move unless they are absolutely sure. He took his time, took a year and a half to make a move.
Even if it's nothing but the fact that he stole classified docs, that's a felony. He can get Trump on that alone. After all, even with all the murders that he committed and the entire criminal organization that he built, Al Capone got put in prison for tax evasion. Never forget that.