Lindsay Graham said if the Feds come at Trump then the Trumphites will unleash the flutes.
They aint gone do shyt and if they try, they will spend the night with Ashley BabbittLindsay Graham said if the Feds come at Trump then the Trumphites will unleash the flutes.
don't know, there isn't a mirror of it.Tweet gone what did it say?
Lindsey Graham is feeling the heat from that Georgia shyt and it’s making him make these foolish statements. He knows what happened on Jan 6 and even said he was over Trump at the time. Of course got on his knees again though. If I was him, I’d be worried about getting in trouble for inciting any future riot that may or may not occur.First he said he didn't have classified material (Even though the FBI already took over 15 boxes from his Resort) Then he said Release the Warrant he had a copy of and could of released himself. Then he said the FBI were planting the classified documents. Then he said release the Affidavit which they did and shows he's being investigated for serious violations and crimes including the Espionage Act. Then he said if they are classified, he magically declassified them. But you can't declassify Nuclear and Secret Agent/Human intelligence. Then he said but what about Hillary and the emails (Which his FBI investigated her for). Now it's Hunter Biden's Laptop (Which has nothing to do with the boxes and boxes of classified documents found in his resort).
Now he's once again calling for the Election to be overturned. He's a lunatic and clearly out of his mind. People can support him all they want, Thankfully the rest of America isn't going off the Trump cliff. The Majority of Americans know who this man is. Which is why he's a two time Popular Vote Loser. He can't even win the majority of the American People. Also Lindsey Graham and people talking about Riots and Civil war if he's charged are just trying to once again give Trump a pass for his crimes. A Civil War means Trump Fanatics versus the United States Government and Military. Good luck with that.
Lindsay Graham said if the Feds come at Trump then the Trumphites will unleash the flutes.
Lindsay Graham said if the Feds come at Trump then the Trumphites will unleash the flutes.
Lady G would have way too much fun in prison, unless they send him to an all female facility. He’d HATE that shytLindsay Graham should be arrested for treason as well. He’s using threats of violence if justice is served to trump. Those are statements of politicians in a banana republic. He needs to spend time behind bars making license plates so he can learn about democracy.
Maga is basically the storm troopers from Star Wars.. they stay getting washed upMAGA is p*ssy and gets killed every time they turn up.
I for one hope they "unleash the flutes".