Most of the black people I have spoken to online that live in California have stated that the Mexicans there are very racist and black people have to constantly deal with racial taunts, harassment, violence or threats of violence and even race riots in the schools. When I first started hearing about this I was almost in disbelief because I naively thought (as I was much younger) "only whites did racist stuff like that," and I like many blacks also naively believed the whole black/brown unity thing......What fools we were huh?
As for Trump targeting MS-13 gang bangers good riddance to those pieces of trash it's one thing to target rival gang members who may be of a different ethnicity but to target innocent people who have done nothing wrong is inexcusable. I remember reading about a 13 year old black girl they slaughtered for no reason other then her being born black and I'm suppose to feel some sort of sympathy for these trash heaps?
As for Trump targeting MS-13 gang bangers good riddance to those pieces of trash it's one thing to target rival gang members who may be of a different ethnicity but to target innocent people who have done nothing wrong is inexcusable. I remember reading about a 13 year old black girl they slaughtered for no reason other then her being born black and I'm suppose to feel some sort of sympathy for these trash heaps?