Trump Border Chief threatens to jail Colorado Mayor if he doesn't let ICC round up immigrants


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
Well I got my answer. You confuse not jumping in to defend illegals with defending the White man. Your reading comprehension is evidently extremely low, or you are so overly emotional that you can't see what was written through your tears on this issue. So which one is it? Also, your tough man talk on the internet scares no one. So you can keep it up about how much you will do, but really if you were about that life you would have already done it.
You a old ass c00n ass cornball nikka, your face is the type that bytches laugh at. You look exactly how a c00n ass Trumper should look. fukk on nikka

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Ya'll weird I swear.

claim to be super militant and pro black but think a majority of us are supposed to be competing against non citizens who can't even speak english at a coherent level. You think most asian parents are concerned with their children competing against low skilled, illegal, not english speaking people?

Raise your fukking standards. you don't want to hear it but they do the serf work, let them. Raise your seeds and cohorts to get into jobs and fields they can't that will afford a better standard of living. This whole "illegals are raising competition" is retarded. you SHOULD NOT BE COMPETING WITH THEM. loser mentality shyt.

Not even sounding elitist, but on some real shyt, the only places where the economy is down bad are the rural Midwestern or Deep Southern states. So you saying that brehs are massively unemployed like back in 2009, standing on the corner like a Beanie Sigel video? Or they smoking low grade weed playing PS5 games online in they mama crib? :martin:

The narratives are making even less sense as time goes by.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Im in NY. Most black brehs I know are doing everything from accounting, to registering patients at a hospital, to unionized garbagemen, and even owning hardware stores. What he is describing, is brehs dropping outta middle school, living with they moms, and have odd jobs making less than 40k per year (minimum wage in NY). Even a couple of them brehs I am talking about whom I know personally were ex cons. They all got in the foot with decent to very good paying jobs.

I don't understand the narrative that brehs everywhere are unemployed because of some illegal immigrant that cannot speak English. That's dumb barbershop talk.

I'm in MN so another super blue ass state. black people cooling out here for the most part. Most of my homies I grew up with got decent to great jobs and I'm completely certain they can not be supplanted by an illegal. nikkas just followers if you were to want to take anyone to task it would be these corps who will outsource skilled corporate jobs to India. and then the Indians come into the office and start hiring up all they cousins and shyt.

IDK why you would advise people to compete with illegals anyway. do better. This isn't me shytting on poor blacks but I made it out Ford better and stop blaming boogeymen that elite whites telling you to be scared of.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Ya'll weird I swear.

claim to be super militant and pro black but think a majority of us are supposed to be competing against non citizens who can't even speak english at a coherent level. You think most asian parents are concerned with their children competing against low skilled, illegal, not english speaking people?

Raise your fukking standards. you don't want to hear it but they do the serf work, let them. Raise your seeds and cohorts to get into jobs and fields they can't that will afford a better standard of living. This whole "illegals are raising competition" is retarded. you SHOULD NOT BE COMPETING WITH THEM. loser mentality shyt.
This is disingenuous

Those ppl move into our neighborhoods, get political power, and are racist towards us

See Los Angeles

I still have empathy for them as a whole, because our country is the reason a lot of them are here as we messed up their countries, and it's inevitable that they'll be the majority, because they are native to this continent


All Star
Mar 11, 2022

Some of yall nikkas really wanna bring black folks back to some glorious past of shining shoes, driving cabs, and mopping floors.

Here are some facts for you:

Black unemployment has been at an all time low for more than a decade my guy...


Job numbers and labor have been on nothing but an upswing for more than a decade. Thousands of jobs are created every month and thousands of them are unfilled. There isn't some absolute number of "jobs" that immigrants are "taking up."


If a black man born with all the access and privileges of being a native born citizen wants to go pick strawberries under the sun for 12 hours a day, no one is stopping them. These employers need tons of people and can barely find folks to fill these jobs.


You got all these "Congressional reports" that completely conflict with the most basic labor statistics.


Immigrant labor boasts and pushes our economy just as much as people sitting in offices. They help CREATE jobs that native-born people want by fulfilling endless existing work that helps grow big businesses overall. And they are not "taking jobs" that don't require masses of workers and are not readily vacant to anyone. No one is stopping anyone from driving a cab, delivering food, picking oranges, or mopping a floor. And if thats all you can do, you deserve to, and will, compete with migrants no matter what developed country you in. Immigrants are nothing but a net positive for a growing, advanced economy that creates even more jobd, businesses, and products month after month. If anything, we need MORE of them.

And again, the pro-white Republicans you trust so much know this. They are happy to see lost black folks--let alone dumb rednecks who I thought we were smarter than--falling for this crap so that they can take away your rights and get a tax cut.

Yall nikkas too short sighted to see the bigger picture. We wouldn't even see fruits and vegetables in our supermarkets if it weren't for migrants maintaining our quality of lives. You are enabling a precedent that allows a racist President to pick and decide when he wants to "stop crime" with sweeping, invasive law enforcement. We dont need that. Our economy and our every day lives would COLLAPSE without migrants. This mass deportation thing is the DUMBEST shyt ever that will drive us to a recession on top his tariffs and set the stage for worse. Yall really falling for cac bigotry to help explain your confusion about the world.

Please for the love of Christ can yall quit conflating this sensationalist right wing Fox News garbage with pro-black thought. If you wanna be a Republican, go ahead and join what's been the wrong side of damn history with the cacs. But quit turning this New York Post nonsense into some new front of pro-blackness when a whole entire cabal of white supremacists are about to overthrow the federal government.

Yall niccas is cowards taking your cues from racist cacs that hate you the most like puppy dogs and looking for the weakest pretend enemies to avoid the real ones.
Just say you endorse modern day slavery. Makes you no different than the CACs you are complaining about.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
This is disingenuous

Those ppl move into our neighborhoods, get political power, and are racist towards us

See Los Angeles

I still have empathy for them as a whole, because our country is the reason a lot of them are here as we messed up their countries, and it's inevitable that they'll be the majority, because they are native to this continent

This is the other side of the discussion to cuz like I said up here (MN/IL) I aint never had no static like that. I still never believed in that black and brown pride shyt :mjlol: I'm cool with some Mexicans for sure but I know at the end of the day they for they people above all else. as we should be. We have a head start on any illegal coming over here, we have to use it instead of complaining they taking all the janitor jobs.

The fact of the matter if we being real every one racist towards us. Only way to defend yourself against the prevalent demonically racist nature of this country is to be financially sound so you have a chance to avoid some of the shyt they trying.

I'm not naive I know what happens when those same illegals get they papers, or have kids and they grow up etc. they got theirs so its fukk you and even the illegals coming behind them. This is why I'm like w/e if they get caught send they ass back. if not it is what it is.


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012

stop being so pretentious. Its nothing passive aggressive here I really don't care. They can't harm me, have never harmed me, or any of my immediate family or friends. Maybe in one of those backwards ass southern states they get busy and and a detriment, I have no idea. but they got no pull up here at all. If an illegal alien who can barely speak 5 sentences of english is coming over here and taking a job you are eyeing you need to do some self reflection, point blank. That may sound callous but IDK, these dudes are primarily in kitchens, bathrooms, lawncare, carpentry etc. They aint taking no job you could not have been there first for. If they get got they get got, they illegal. if they don't whatever.

I've posted my pic on here multiple times I don't have to prove I'm black.

Its sad. One of my exes sparked this when she said that those heathens in bmore were just fulfilling a stereotype. This chick is mexican, been in a great neighborhood her whole life and knows nothing of struggle. Married a white bul and all of sudden identifies with them. shyt was depressing because at one point I loved this chick and to see her be another puppet of white supremacy was weak.

Like clockwork 🦝 :pachaha: :dead: :scust:


May 1, 2012
They not :russ:

Gen Z will spit at your face for even giving them low paying jobs with harsh treatment. Some will even shoot you in cold blood for assuming that they will work for scraps. You treat them less than human, and your safety will be compromised. It ain't a threat, it's more like a PROPHECY.
Lock they asses up and theyll get it. Part of the problem is the entitlement
Take the kid gloves off with these lil demons

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Lock they asses up and theyll get it. Part of the problem is the entitlement
Take the kid gloves off with these lil demons

You're welcome to kill as many Gen Z's as you want and anyone else that refuses to work for scraps. You cannot force anyone to work unless you are a dictator.


May 1, 2012
You're welcome to kill as many Gen Z's as you want and anyone else that refuses to work for scraps. You cannot force anyone to work unless you are a dictator.
If they making my community dangerous and dropping my property value :demonic:


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
Im not a Gen Z'er :sas2:

I also am gainfully employed since 2011 and have loads of money saved at my bank account and investments.
Anyone not willing to work will find life extremely difficult. It ain’t rocket science

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Anyone not willing to work will find life extremely difficult. It ain’t rocket science

That's Gen Z, and if you thought they were stubborn before, they gonna give you a hell of a fight from this point onwards.

Slave wages are not gonna be accepted by them.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
This is the other side of the discussion to cuz like I said up here (MN/IL) I aint never had no static like that. I still never believed in that black and brown pride shyt :mjlol: I'm cool with some Mexicans for sure but I know at the end of the day they for they people above all else. as we should be. We have a head start on any illegal coming over here, we have to use it instead of complaining they taking all the janitor jobs.

The fact of the matter if we being real every one racist towards us. Only way to defend yourself against the prevalent demonically racist nature of this country is to be financially sound so you have a chance to avoid some of the shyt they trying.

I'm not naive I know what happens when those same illegals get they papers, or have kids and they grow up etc. they got theirs so its fukk you and even the illegals coming behind them. This is why I'm like w/e if they get caught send they ass back. if not it is what it is.

Nah Mexicans are a different level