Episode 3. 48mn in. They're interviewing Rianne Olivier's grandfather. He gives them some background on ledoux and his family. (great acting by the grandfather by the way. great great acting). In the car ride back, Rust realizes the school is a part of the Tuttle Foundation. The very next scene cuts to a guy on a lawnmower. As Rust is talking to him, he mentions he had only been coming there for the last few months. That is his job. He was hired by the Parrish. The dude says, "Andrew blew it out. Guess they didn't think it was worth cleaning up. My immediate thought was, "So why the fukk would they hire a grounds keepers for a school that isn't worth cleaning up and has been closed for 3 yrs? Then after the episode ends, "I'm like wait hasn't Reggie Ledoux only been out for a couple of months and that guys has been hired for that long as well?"
It may sound like a lucky guess, but if you follow the "feeling" of the entire episode, the director is leading you to a suspect. The first one was the church with the special needs suspect.
Also, the way the scene is shot, you get the "feeling" that the scene is important. At that point, every person introduced to the story played a role in some shape form or fashion. There are no throwaway scenes in this show.
What's actually amazing looking back on that scene, is Rust does have a lot of time to size him up. In fact, at the beginning of the episode, Rust and Marty put out an APB for a "tall guy with scars on his face." The sun is beaming in the guys face, so the scars are actually noticeable. But Rust is busy looking into the sun and looking at the school. What is throwing them off is that stupid fukkn picture. The green shyts on his ears are obviously noise canceling headphones like someone on a runway would use.