i feel like i want to walk out of the house later, maybe the few blocks to get out of the subdivision...
Safer than trying to drive around. I'm hoping a store will open for at least a few hours this morning.
i feel like i want to walk out of the house later, maybe the few blocks to get out of the subdivision...
Like I said. This is going to cause massive migration from Houston.
This is insanity.
FEMA can't handle this.
its just interesting to me.Why is this of such concern to you?
We evacuated to San Antonio when Rita came and it was a 25 hour drive. On any other day, that's a 3 hour drive for me.
Why is this of such concern to you?
Like I said, this seems way worse than "normal" flooding. Not sure if it's due to people used to flooding because most flooding that happened was just due to heavy rain. Hurricanes and tropical storms are still a distinct event, so even if you're used to "normal" floods there should still be the expectation this was something different.As aforementioned, it begs the question about when you call for an evacuation and/or strongly urge residents to flee. Again, early morning on the 24th they called for a cat3 and predicted that the storm would make landfall and just chill and dump rain. I think it might be possible that prediction came as early as the 23rd ...
that probably wasn't enough time to call for a mandatory evac of the nation's 4th largest city...
However, people have to do better with just leaving...early. Especially if you have the means and resources to leave. Just. Fukking. Leave. Again at the least, when you hear it's a cat3 and you're on or near the coast. Just leave. Should probably leave earlier, but at least when you hear it's a cat3.
In NC, we've seen cat3's fukk shyt up.
So is it a case of people feeling "immune" to flooding that keeps them there? Have they just become desensitized?
And again, I wonder if there is some Dot study about how much advance time it would take to call for a mandatory evac and get folks out without putting them in harm's way.
Let me help you with that HEREYeah, I wish he would shut the fukk up.