We hanging in here. Ready for the storm to end so I can get out and help some folks. Sad tired angry fortunate proud anxious ...you know feeling all of the ways.
I was a teen when Katrina happened.
I felt like my feet was taken from underneath me. As a teen I couldn't comprehend what was going on. I just knew I was a freshmen and couldn't go back to the city. I knew when I went a week after I saw the army picking up bodies and my neighborhood torn apart and buildings burnt up and I couldn't do shyt but feel hopeless and cry.
I was angry asf living in a new place where it seemed no one understood.
With all that being said just be thankful for life. EVERYTHING is literally replaceable but you and your loved ones. Memories will still be there. You can and will rebuild. Doesn't matter if it takes 12 years.
Stay hopeful. But most of all if able bodied be able to give a helping hand.
Once I see what's going to happen here because we have flood watches on our ass Ima put my money where my mouth is and see what I can make happen.
Regardless of what happened between NOLA and Houston in '05 the doors were opened to many families.
Bless up.