Hogan talking about the younger wrestlers needing to pump gas on their way to high school always kills me.
Then him saying his catchphrase like a madman while grabbing Mean Gene.
I remember watching that promo on an NWO DVD back in like 2004 or something like that and even then that heel turn and promo had an air of nostalgia about it even though it was only eight years on from the moment. Knowing everything that happened afterward, even watching in 2004 you felt the history of that moment.
Well the first thing you gotta realize, brother, is this right here is the future of wrestling. You can call THIS the New.World.Order of wrestling, brother!
Now it's almost 30 years ago
Edit - Also, supposedly Nash wasn't too fond of the heel turn promo or the first NWO PSA because Hogan was just being a heel version of the Hulkster, but that actually made sense. I'm glad he eased into "Wood" rather than go into a whole different character right off the bat. BATB works so well because it was Hulk Hogan venting and not Hollywood.