dont forgot Chance the Rapper's dad helped with the cover up
From the Chicago Sun-Times:
"With the video due out, Emanuel’s staff — particularly
Kenneth Bennett, deputy chief of staff for public engagement — reached out to community leaders to attempt to prevent a firestorm. Of particular concern was the Rev. Pfleger, pastor of the large African-American congregation at St. Sabina parish. After Pfleger went on TV on Nov. 20 and said Van Dyke should be fired, mayoral spokesman Adam Collins emailed colleagues: “Not sure who has the best relationship, but it looks like there might be value in putting in a call to Pfleger about the process here."
Bennett replied that he’d already spoken with him. “I can call Pfleger again but he stated to me Thursday that he would continue to call for the termination of this officer.”
The next day, Emanuel communications chief Kelley Quinn quoted a Facebook post from Pfleger in an email to Bennett and others. According to Quinn’s email, Pfleger wrote: “The officer who killed LaQuan McDonald . . . His lawyer said yesterday that the shooting was justified because the officer felt threatened. . . . How much of a threat was he after getting shot 3 times . . . that gave you permission to shoot 13 more times?????”
Later in the day, Bennett emailed, “I left Pfleger a message earlier. Waiting for his call back. He may require a call from [then-police Supt.] Garry [McCarthy] assuring him of our commitment to a transparent process. . . . I can also try to talk to him about a calmer tone in his comments and on social media.”
I've always hated that prick. He was defending Kanye a few months ago, "Not all democrats are great guys!" Of course his family are a bunch of corrupt shills.
And of course he's out here trying to capitalize off the situation, soulless fukk.