If it turns out Meg is lying about being shot, her ass is the one that needs to be cancelled.
The wild thing is. She won’t...
The same folks that vouched for her WILL move the goal post for her. They WILL feel bad for her, blame her actions on her mental health cause of her mother’s death, and give her a pass.
TRUST ME on this. They WILL change the narrative.
It’s quite funny seeing some of his peers and media outlets be so quick to cancel him and go out the WAY in believing her without the clear facts coming out. You dead ass can’t even TRY and question the holes in her story on twitter without folks jumping in your mentions projecting their own insecurities on to you. It’s quite fascinating to see
They keep talking about Tory’s “smear campaign” when he was silent the entire time while Megan was out on social media smearing his name.
i COMPLETELY understand the “protect black women at all cost” narrative. Trust me i do.
But it’s a double edge sword because there are women out there that use that to their advantage and out of spitefulness/pettiness they will accuse a black man for something they didn’t do. And when the truth comes out it will make real victims of abuse look terrible.
I have this feeling the truth is going to come out about all this and Megan is gonna look quite funny in the light.
IF this happens...the bounce back from Tory