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Truth be told
I’m tired of y’all lying on Tory and his team is fed up. I know
@torylanezpersonally and will tell story how
@theestallion and her team payed/used him to take blame. This is a burner account
first and foremost. that night when they left the party
@KylieJenners EVERYONE was drunk. Not just tory. Meg, Tory, Kelsey, and a dude i won’t name all left in the same vehicle which tory was driving. Kelsey and meg aren’t friends anymore for a reason
kelsey and her dude was in the back. meg and tory in the front. Kelsey and dude was back there playing w the gun. Kelsey drunk self wanted to hold it and was very reckless with it. She was playing with it and trying to show meg in the front while taking vids.
Let’s get on thing clear too. they were not parked when meg was shot. they were driving. how would tory do that while they were driving???
Anyways, meg told kelsey to chill out with the gun and kelsey was drunk and being dumb with the gun in the first place. At some point there was a wrestle with the gun for kelsey to put the gun down and shots were fired.
no one at this point has said WHO was wrestling with the gun and which finger actually pulled the trigger. Tory was rushing meg to the hospital when police got reports of a gun being fired in a card that matched their description
that’s why they were pulled over in the first place. that’s why helicopters were there, because of the report which no one in the car called in. Meg didn’t know who shot her which is why she didn’t say anything initially
Everyone was detained because police were confused and NO ONE had their stories straight at all. Meg didn’t “not snitch” on him to protect just tory. she didn’t know who shot her so she couldn’t say anything.
if meg knew tory shot her she would’ve said it immediately, because instinct would be he is trying to kill/hurt her, which wasn’t the case at ALL. she never knew who shot her till next day. when she spoke to kelsey
KESLEY fabricated a story which is why meg dropped her and her security team will not allow her around meg. meg went with the fabricated story of tory shooting her because she didn’t know and believed kelsey her “best friend”
tory was unaware the entire time. clueless as to what happened. he kept saying “i don’t remember” to EVERYONE because he could recollect the night but and no idea he “shot” meg. he was confused because it was false.
he knew he was drunk so he was not quick to deny it because he could recall the night just not THAT part. LATER it was found out it wasn’t him. Megs team thought it was best to roll with the story that tory shot her.
they never told tory he wasn’t the one who shot her which is why it took a while for him to come out with a statement he was still confused as fukk.
LAPD, Tory and his team were bribed/paid to go with that story for the sake of megan not looking like a liar. it was meg played and used this story for publicity not tory right?
There are NO assault charges filed against tory for “shooting” meg. Why? because he didn’t. no matter if meg tried to “protect” tory police have to file shooting charges even if it was an accident no matter if a party says no
here is the NDA received by toryz team he was asked to sing but has yet to sign it
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