They have a caste system that operates like apartheid keeping darker skinned Indians in perpetual servitude to pale Indians..
I'd go as far as to argue Asians in general hate Blacks as much as if not than Whites.
The caste system is based on occupation. That's why dark skin brahmans exist.
But outside of that, every group of people is highly racist towards black folk. This isn't an Indian exclusive phenomena.
The reality is an Indian or Chinese person isnt going to call the cops on you for nothing or metoo you with false allegations. They dont have the same power or audacity of white folk. They have similar, yet lesser, struggles with white folk with racism.
Here in Toronto, can't speak on Vancouver or Montreal, there's a huge Caribbean population, so black folk and Indian folk have always been blurred together due to living together in neighbourhoods like Scarborough, Rexdale, etc. shyt like Caribana reinforced it. Therefore a lot anti Indian hate is a slippery slope into anti Black hate. Before Brampton jokes, it was Scarborough jokes. All of this was perpetuated by cacs mainly.
People forget that its always been white people as the most racist.