Why do y’all lawyers and Judges in England still wear that pin curled powdered white wig on top of their head?? Like why and what purpose does it serve??

Black Lawyers in England have to wear that wig costume on top of their head?? I’m sorry but that would change my whole career trajectory making appearances in the crown’s court with a King George 15th century hair hat, is this only for criminal Court? what about traffic court? So many questions . What about if you appear before the Crown pro se? Does that require the wearing of a British judicial hair hat by civilians? What if I outright refuse the hair hat during trial - will I be held in contempt of court and have my license to practice law revoked?

Black Lawyers in England have to wear that wig costume on top of their head?? I’m sorry but that would change my whole career trajectory making appearances in the crown’s court with a King George 15th century hair hat, is this only for criminal Court? what about traffic court? So many questions . What about if you appear before the Crown pro se? Does that require the wearing of a British judicial hair hat by civilians? What if I outright refuse the hair hat during trial - will I be held in contempt of court and have my license to practice law revoked?
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