I always felt like they shoulda did a Bill and Ted/Waynes World crossover flik.
Nah man that would just be the same four characters doing the same thing lol. Although Wayne and Garth probably have it a bit more together than bill and ted
I always felt like they shoulda did a Bill and Ted/Waynes World crossover flik.
There was a POV cam flick that came out years ago. It's some good stuff. I forgot the name of it.
I always felt like they shoulda did a Bill and Ted/Waynes World crossover flik.
one of the funniest things i ever seen on tv was Wayne and Garth had this special on MTV (i think for Waynes World 2).Project Almanac. Good concept but should've been way better than it was
Wayne would be low key clowning the shyt outta Bill/Ted
Bill and Teds excellent adventure
Finally some respeck on azkabans namePrimer
Harry Potter 3
Star Trek 2009
Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles
i had to wait 7 posts to see Bill & Ted mentioned?.....i'm out..![]()
Pretty sure I mentioned it on the first page![]()
yours was the 7th post breh.....![]()
Not really controversial, but difficult to do. Although time travel is not scientifically possible, there are enough set rules to make it plausible, but plausibility is not one of Hollywood's strengths so most of the time they ruin it completely.For such an interesting subject there are very few good movies about it. I guess it’s too controversial for Hollywood.