It's not a rumor, he wrote the outline for story and ended with freeza, they didn't know if Dragon Ball 2, (which is what its called Z was an error made because of the font) would be successful or not, so he ended the story at freeza, you gotta have the story outlined before you start drawing the manga man lmao
it had so much money the series was able to continue
nikka, what the fukk are you talking about????
First of all, Akira Toriyama had no outline - he has frequently mentioned he never planned anything besides Piccolo and Kami being aliens. He makes shyt up as he goes along. That's the why the Android saga had 3 different villains. The only time he ever planned on ending the series prematurely was when the show wasn't that popular in the first arc with Pilaf.
Furthermore - Dragon Ball 2? Where are you getting this shyt? For one thing, the split was only in the anime because Toei would get extra promotional money since it was techincally a new series, and the Saiyan saga just so happened to be the perfect point for them to split. For the manga it was a ll Dragon Ball, and it was always successful - there wasn't no damn uncertainty, DB was crushing the buildings during that era
And as far as the name - the Z was because it's the last letter of the alphabet. Toriyama always had projections of when he would wrap things up going back to the Red Ribbon arc, but he never had a planned ending. And by the time he hit those points, he'd be like "Well shyt, I got more story to tell so let's keep this rolling." For instance, in 1986, GToriyama said he forsaw DB lasting about 10 volumes. When they reached volume 10 he was like "Yeah I thought it'd be over by now but we're not even close and I still like doing this." He came up with the letter Z because he figured he would be ending it soon, only to change his mind. The popular rumor is that the fans complained or Toei forced him to keep going - but Frieza was revealed to be alive literally the chapter after he died, and chapters are completed weeks before they were published. AT has never said anything about wanting Frieza to be the last villain.
Where'd you even get any of that info from???? Just read through this, it has interviews, sources and everything:
Intended Endings Guide - Kanzenshuu
"It seems that the fourth volume is a
Dragon Ball “world guide”. I think that the staff all worked very hard, particularly on the buildings’ layouts, the maps, and whatnot. On top of just sloppily drawing things by the seat of my pants, there are many things that not even I had precisely determined. Weren’t they a bit fed up with how things didn’t come together consistently? I’m very sorry."
Translations | Daizenshuu 2 - Shenlong Times
Takeda: And then serialization began, but from the beginning, how much of the story had you already planned?
Toriyama: I hadn’t thought it up at all. I figured it would probably end in about a year, and I had only really prepared storyboards for three chapters.
Translations | Daizenshuu 5 - Shenlong Times
The title changed from
Dragon Ball to
Dragon Ball Z along the way; what sort of reason was there for this change?
Morishyta: That was just enthusiasm for new plot developments.
Shimizu: No; actually, we fretted a great deal about that title. Originally, we called it “Gohan’s Great Adventure” for the longest time.
Morishyta: That’s right; because we thought it would go with Gohan as the main character.
Shimizu: And then Toriyama-
sensei said things like, “No, the protagonist is really Goku.” Then we asked, “Is that so? Then what should we do about the title?” and he replied, “Wouldn’t it be cool with just a Z?” “Ah, that’s OK,” and with that, it was decided.
(large outburst of laughter)
Morishyta: Looking back now, that Z doesn’t seem very out-of-place, but it did at first. So we’d have to explain the Z, in a variety of aspects. That it was the final chapter, or that it was linked to “A”…. After about a year had passed, however, those questions went away. It really does grow on you. But originally, it was a surprise, because to us, it was “Gohan’s Great Adventure”.
Shimizu: It must have caused quite a stir when that happened.
Koyama: Even so, the one thing we tried to avoid was the image that it was the end. It would would have a negative sense with “this is the end”. We really obsessed over that.
Morishyta: After that, other works with a letter of the alphabet attached to them started coming out, didn’t they?
Shimizu: Yes. With an R, or an S, for instance.1