Took Me 4 Days But I Finally Caught That Mothafukka!!...Motion Picture Sh!t

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team

when the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
getting closer to God in a tight situation:ufdup:


May 14, 2012
:mjpalm:Oh my god, when Many Men came on:russ:

And yea, sticky traps don't do it anymore. Sometimes they cop the shyt and managed to not get caught. That mouse just wasn't with it.

This thread should be a modern classic. I feel like you should be tagging other brehs that suffered under the Roe Dent regime:mjcry:

The way he swerved the sticky mat tho :ohhh:
Those fukkers adapting & shyt :damn:


say, what is the name of that trap that you used to catch the mouse?

asking for a friend :ninja2:

If youre going to try sticky pads, only try this brand

They look plain white on the floor, rather than black. also they have like a sweet smell to them, which i believe baits the mice.

They are sticky as fukk. I fukked up 2-3 the very first time i tried to set them up. I dropped one face down on the floor...:snoop: , I accidently folded one over a little bit (no going back from that).

I dont have a rodent problem anymore. I briefly did at my old house, basically it was getting cold and they were coming in from somewhere. I caught them using the sticky pad and my tracking and monitoring method (patent pending).

My method, which ive explained in How to catch a mouse 101

Is to set up a tracking system so you can gauge where mice are accessing and maybe even how many you have.

In the corners of a room put down 4 pieces of dry cereal (I used plain cheerios, but you can use anyone). You put down 4 pieces, and either write down, in what room and what corners, or take pictures with a camera phone. Therefore you can check them in the morning or the next day or casually whenever you walk by. If you put down 4 pieces of cereal and now there's 3, or none....well you know your mouse has been there.

If you put some on the 3rd floor and some in the basement..well you know you have more than one rodent.

The more frequently eaten baits are generally closer to where they are hiding/living. versus the ones where you aren't home stomping around/ or are sleeping and they venture out. Therefore, right in front of the fridge or stove, pantry closet, bathroom shelf or bathroom cupboard--those are good places to put a sticky pad.

They'll get stuck and they'll squeak. Disposal is pretty easy, pick up the pad with your hands by the corner, and drop it in the trash, or fold it over therefore the sticky is on both sides of the rodent (like a taco) and if he's still alive you can squish him with your foot (beware of the crunch) or just drop it in the trash.


90-9-1 Principle
May 10, 2012
The Land of fukkery
I dont have a rodent problem anymore. I briefly did at my old house, basically it was getting cold and they were coming in from somewhere. I caught them using the sticky pad and my tracking and monitoring method (patent pending).

My method, which ive explained in How to catch a mouse 101

Is to set up a tracking system so you can gauge where mice are accessing and maybe even how many you have.

In the corners of a room put down 4 pieces of dry cereal (I used plain cheerios, but you can use anyone). You put down 4 pieces, and either write down, in what room and what corners, or take pictures with a camera phone. Therefore you can check them in the morning or the next day or casually whenever you walk by. If you put down 4 pieces of cereal and now there's 3, or none....well you know your mouse has been there.

If you put some on the 3rd floor and some in the basement..well you know you have more than one rodent.

The more frequently eaten baits are generally closer to where they are hiding/living. versus the ones where you aren't home stomping around/ or are sleeping and they venture out. Therefore, right in front of the fridge or stove, pantry closet, bathroom shelf or bathroom cupboard--those are good places to put a sticky pad.

They'll get stuck and they'll squeak. Disposal is pretty easy, pick up the pad with your hands by the corner, and drop it in the trash, or fold it over therefore the sticky is on both sides of the rodent (like a taco) and if he's still alive you can squish him with your foot (beware of the crunch) or just drop it in the trash.

gotdamn...all of that bruh?......:gucci:
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