Art Barr
INVADING SOHH CHAMPION basically...coils popular now...because of me now...right?
are you that racist poster wsc the secret or whatever?
Art Barr basically...coils popular now...because of me now...right?
Dat's my CeGOAT.I'm truly shocked and saddened to learn about these heinous accusations against Hulk Hogan. Thankfully the WWE did the right thing by terminating his services and removing all traces of him from their media platforms. The WWE really must be commended for breaking ties with such a huge star and money maker. Most companies would have sat on their hands and waited, but the WWE was proactive because they realize there is no place in our society for intolerance of any kind. Hopefully other companies will learn from the WWE in this situation, and not put profits ahead of moral decency.
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The Coli getting some publicity.
And me. They wouldn't know about this if it weren't for me.