Nuggets: Late night updates on official visitsReply
I'll start off with this, all the prospects went out on town for a little taste of the night life, so the main parts of the visits are over with at this stage. I'll touch on some things that I've heard for every prospect who is officially visiting and give you a few notes on some unofficial visitors that dropped by today.
Lets kick things off with the FSU commitments. I'll begin with RB Jonathan Vickers, who at first was a little stunned by the Jeremy Pruitt news, but has since back off being that worried. I believe Vickers was hosted by Nathan Andrews from what I can tell, but I'll know more tomorrow. Vickers got a chance to bond with a lot of the players. He was also shown more details about how he would be used as a big back in the FSU offense and with James Wilder departing, that only makes him want to be at FSU even more. Of course he did get beat by Trey (Fisher) in NCAA tonight and Trey talked some good trash about that. But Vickers gave off all signs that he isn't going anywhere.
Moving onto Corey Martinez, there wasn't anything to worry about here so I won't spend a lot of time on him, but he's had a great time just being around the offensive lineman and especially Coach Trickett. I'm told he (Martinez) opens up a lot around Trickett and he's having a blast just being around the team. I know Corey has put in a lot of work pushing for the uncommitted guys like Marlon Humphrey and Malik McDowell without really selling them on much about the school like a salesman. Corey simply focused on the feeling he had about FSU and why he loved it.
As I mentioned, earlier today FSU commit LB Jacob Pugh stopped by. I know he and Coach Fisher had a very good conversation that last around 25 minutes and it relieved a lot of questions that Pugh had. I don't know the specifics of what was discussed, but I'm sure it was focused on the new defensive coordinator. Obviously other schools will try to push, but this was a very good sign to get Pugh over today and then he'll officially visit again next weekend.
Much was the same of Delvin Purifoy as it was with Jonathan Vickers. Once he got on campus, there wasn't that much concern about if he would stick with his commitment. In fact, Purifoy was already talking about what number he was going to wear and asked Charles Kelly what numbers were available. His dream school has always been FSU. The one funny part on his visit was when Fisher asked if there were any concerns and Purifoy and his mother answered the same time. "No way, he wants to be at Florida State". I don't anticipate Purifoy taking any other visits at this stage barring something surprising. At least that's the impression I got.
Now we get into the big official visitors and the most likely to possibly pull the trigger this weekend is Hokies commitment Athlete Javon Harrison. He was having a blast with the other skill players much of the day. He is very tight and close with Odell, that much is crystal clear. He's also a lot like Marlon, very loose around other people. I don't know who his host was at this stage, but I do know Scotter Haggins, who is from the same area spent a lot of time with him. Harrison was the one guy that in hanging around the players acted like he was already part of the team based on the different things talked about and little comments he would say about when he got there and how FSU could go for another title.
His parents were there with him. I wouldn't be surprised if you hear something from Harrison in regards to a decision either Sunday or maybe a couple of days after. Harrison was very impressed with how he could be used in the FSU offense and he prefers offense. He's also a deadly returner on kick offs as well. Harrison spent a lot of time with Fisher on Friday night talking about the offense of FSU this season. I do know VT is expected to drop by and see him Monday, but if this visit is any indication, it might be only a matter of time before he flips to FSU.
Onto the big fish here this weekend. Not going to lie coming into this visit, I still thought it would take a lot to get five star CB Marlon Humphrey, but I get a few new details or vibes that leads me to believe Pruitt leaving is not as big as I originally thought. In fact, I would say the track program is a very, very legit thing with Marlon and those close to him tell me it's a plus to have a coach who fits his style, but not the main deal breaker at all. I've also heard while his father did play at Alabama, there are other people close to him that prefer FSU because of the bond they've built with Jimbo Fisher. Fisher has done a very good job at not mentioning how much they have to have Marlon, but focusing on relationships and what they expect from Marlon is the same as everyone else. Fisher also spent a lot of time talking with the Humphrey family about academics, family, character and why that's the first thing Fisher looks for in a player. That really won over Mrs. Humphrey. The track program was covered extensively from what I hear.
I don't really have any information about which player hosted him. I want to say Jalen Ramsey, but I haven't confirmed that. I do know Jameis Winston was in Texas spending time with his girlfriend and supporting her in a basketball game, but I am told Winston did get to spend some time with Humphrey the first day he was there. With that said, you might have noticed the comment about Humphrey saying on Twitter "Coach Fisher is running the table". That was in reference to pool where I'm told Fisher beat Marlon a couple of times and Marlon asked "aren't you going to let me win?". Fisher joked, we don't let anyone win here. Fisher then won a few more games against some other recruits, but I don't know who they were. Those close to Marlon have told me you can really see the closeness of the relationship Humphrey has with Fisher and how loose they are with each other. It felt like the same type of bond Fisher had with Winston going through the recruiting process.
Marlon is not a big talker with the media for interviews. But we will try to catch him after his visit is over. I would not say Marlon is favoring one team, but I do get the impression that if there is any coach he favors it would be Fisher based on the vibes I got tonight. I do think FSU very much has a chance and it's not nearly as far of a blow with Pruitt as I thought at this stage. Like I said before, in the beginning there are some positives I didn't know about that are aiding FSU and I get the impression from the FSU side there is still the same confidence for getting Humphrey. How strong? Not sure right now, but there is confidence.