lemme get this right. Obtaining an asset by producing equivalent valuation to trade for that asset... is not... a... payment?
So if I want an apple, and to acquire the apple, I must hand over a dollar... this is not a payment if I expect the apple to maintain or increase it's valuation? So if I buy an apple from Safeway it's a purchase, but if I buy an apple from Safeway and it is the
last apple ever in history, I've instead made an acquisition... despite still giving the store that same dollar.
This man has tried to fold his way around that simple question to the point that, I think... I think maybe he just argued against a defining principle of capitalism; exchange of goods and services?
It's ok to just say 'we want to purchase ABK so we can shave off a percentage of all their sales; which we believe in aggregate will come out as profitable to our bottom line after this initial 70billion initial cash infusion'. Mans coulda even said 'this is an investment; like a home purchase would be'. But to try and argue around the simplistic definition of what it means to buy something is intentionally obtuse and really just corporate obfuscation of the fact that they really want to buy something that people think they shouldn't be buying.
You got 70 billion to burn on acquisitions but ain't got no games, a console most people don't want to develop for due to it's technical limitations that you've handcuffed onto your flagship - which might actually move units if it's idiot little brother wasn't holding back the generation - and are in self-admitted
last place against two companies without a third of your resources even with their powers combined like Captain Planet.
Imagine playing Late Stage Capitalism with Microsoft's resources and
STILL being so far in last place that you literally have to start using your businessdaddy's money as WMDs to blow up the game field because there's no other way to cover the ground you've lost besides
blowing up the ground.
Meanwhile, all they'd need to do is start packaging Game Pass for PC as an autodownload on every Windows machine, include one month free on new computer sales and stop worrying about consoles entirely and they would, literally, make Microsoft the world-leader in gaming machines in a walk. Literally. That's it. It'd cost them functionally nothing. Definitely not 70 billion fukking dollars.
Hustling backwards