Tom didn't either. We've seen what happens when MCU actors do their own thingAs he should
Those pretentious high brow arthouse films didn't make $900 million in two weeks.

Tom didn't either. We've seen what happens when MCU actors do their own thingAs he should
Those pretentious high brow arthouse films didn't make $900 million in two weeks.
As he should
Those pretentious high brow arthouse films didn't make $900 million in two weeks.
Scorcese has never made box office smashes…Casino and Wolf are the only movie of his that I remember being heavily promoted. Typically (or exclusively) his movies are rated R too…
it’s like saying a pop star should feel superior compared to Nas bc Nas has not had as many #1 hits/records as the pop star. Two totally different target audiences and genres…
That would be amazing.Scorsese DC film incoming.![]()
Tom needs to shut up and sling webs. Scorsese has made plenty of marvel movies if them budgets have anything to say.![]()
Y’all mad as hell over nothing
holland is allowed to give his opinion just like
Y’all mad as hell over nothing
holland is allowed to give his opinion just like
But are those box office numbers due to him or the fact that it's an MCU movie, Spiderman, and they hype from the will they or won't they with Andrew and Toby?
Scorcese has never made box office smashes…Casino and Wolf are the only movie of his that I remember being heavily promoted. Typically (or exclusively) his movies are rated R too…
it’s like saying a pop star should feel superior compared to Nas bc Nas has not had as many #1 hits/records as the pop star. Two totally different target audiences and genres…
Yeah, he's gonna get less work because of these comments?He's entitled to his opinion, but this is not a good look. Scorsese is probably the most universally admired living film director by other directors, and lots of directors resent how Marvel is dominating theaters, literally pushing out mid-budget filmmaking from the mainstream. If Holland wants to get cast by people like Tarantino, Spike Lee, Spielberg, Nolan, etc. he needs to shut the fukk up about Scorsese. This dude thinks he's going to get a role in a Leo movie talking shyt about Scorsese???Unforced motherfukking error. nikka needs to take notes on Chalamet.