Maintenance 18/04/2019 Agents, The servers will shut down for a scheduled maintenance Thursday, April 18th at 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 12:30 AM PDT. Estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours. Changes include:
Fixed an issue where players were able to receive unlimited Snitch heroic bounties.
Fixed another issue where players were stuck after being revived while having a DoT state active.
Fixed other issues relating to players being stuck after revival.
Lowered NPC damage and health above normal difficulty.
Increased variety of NPCs spawned at higher difficulty levels.
Difficulty has been significantly decreased in Hard, moderately reduced in Challenge, and barely reduced in Heroic.
Fixed an issue related to Elite NPC aggressiveness in Heroic / Alert Level 4.
Reduced the damage output of Named bosses.
[COMPLETED] Maintenance & Patch Notes - April 18th, 2019 | Forums