'they're getting paid millions to play a game we play for free"
Took me a minute to even realize who these guys are
I'm actually happy that the NBA has the players in Suits. This pic is less of a argument that the NBA should be more lax and more of an argument that the NHL needs to get their heads on straight about it being a business, that happens to be a sport.
*remembers the fake outrage about NBA players wearing tee's and button ups during their press conference*
..flip flops--...
"These guys just don't get it....and they wonder why their community is so disorganized"
Man...if that was the nba union and their press conference...
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
Granted I don't read many outlets, and hardly watch any sports news, but most of the fake outrage I saw was on here...well, not here, but you know what I mean...
*remembers the fake outrage about NBA players wearing tee's and button ups during their press conference*
Iggy look like he's about to cry