To (All) the White Girls Who Didn’t Get Into The College Of Their Dreams

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year

I addressed your example, I said only if you "have a very limited sense of what elite is." You used the term "highly successful" broadly. I also noticed you never mentioned your age and if you got into said schools. I addressed everything you said, you just don't seem to be ivy-league material :obamaword:

Not sure this is relevant to the argument. I was admitted into 2 out of the 3 I applied to (Columbia, Princeton, and Yale), I did not apply to the others. In the interest of full disclosure, I was flat out denied entry into MIT, and was wait-listed at Stanford :manny:. This in addition to being recruited by many of the top Universities (Jesuit institutions in particular) in the United States. This is all undergraduate. For graduate I pretty much have my pick.


Again, the above is irrelevant, though I'm sure you're just trolling for personal attacks. How about this, I'll let you define "highly successful" and we will go from there.


Apr 30, 2012
Not sure this is relevant to the argument. I was admitted into 2 out of the 3 I applied to (Columbia, Princeton, and Yale), I did not apply to the others. In the interest of full disclosure, I was flat out denied entry into MIT, and was wait-listed at Stanford :manny:. This in addition to being recruited by many of the top Universities (Jesuit institutions in particular) in the United States. This is all undergraduate. For graduate I pretty much have my pick.


Again, the above is irrelevant, though I'm sure you're just trolling for personal attacks. How about this, I'll let you define "highly successful" and we will go from there.

Why would I personally attack you, (though the three you listed seem kind of funny but I'll leave that alone). I just pointed out you saying things like "it's the environment" , "the quality of education", etc. I said you can get those same things as other universities. I have nothing to be mad about here, I just think you're grossly overstating those advantages which are mostly situational. You have a very elitist attitude and a skewed sense of highly successful. You're naming Fortune 500 CEOs as if there are a bunch of those jobs around, most people, ivy leaguers included will never touch that level.

If that is your metric, then most people are failures. I consider anyone who is upper middle class and not drowning in debt to be pretty successful. I consider my boy who got a job with a starting salary of 80,000 a year right out of undergrad with Cisco Systems to be pretty successful (no idea what his salary is now).

Give me your definition. But I have no reason to be mad, I've done everything you're talking about from an academic perspective. I just never inherited the douchebaggery.