stating the obvious and also missing the point. Anyone who studied political history is well aware of the parallels of DT campaign to that of Reagans. Everybody knows this. I'm pretty sure Ta Nehisi is aware of it, the historians he got to fact check is essay are aware of it, as well as the people at the Atlantic. Everybody knows that DT pulled aspects of Reagan's campaign and incorporated into his own.
No one is not saying that past presidents weren't white supremacist. In an earlier response, I said that past presidents were operating in a climate where white supremacy was the modus operandi. Of course they had to use white supremacist talking points to galvanize southern white voters. But in the article you posted, who was Reagan's opponent? Jimmy Carter, who the article states, defended segregation and favored "ethnic purity." It didn't matter who won that election, white supremacy was not being threatened.
That was not the case with this election.
Also, Reagan was more of a tool for pushing neo-liberal policies, which doesn't benefit all white people, just the one percent.