**time for heads to roll** The Official Obama Administration Scandal thread

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Source: Two 'rogue' workers principally behind IRS targeting of conservative

Washington (CNN) -- The Internal Revenue Service has identified two "rogue" employees in the agency's Cincinnati office as being principally responsible for "overly aggressive" handling of requests by conservative groups for tax-exempt status, a congressional source told CNN.
In a meeting on Capitol Hill, acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller described the employees as being "off the reservation," according to the source. It was not clear precisely what the alleged behavior involved.
Miller said the staffers have already been disciplined, according to another source familiar with Miller's discussions with congressional investigators. The second source said Miller emphasized that the problem with IRS handling of tax-exempt status for tea party groups was not limited to these two employees.
Miller met with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus of Montana on Tuesday to discuss an appearance before Congress.
IRS deliberately targeting tea party Davis: White House needs transparency FBI to investigate IRS conduct Rep.: 'Laws were probably broken' by IRS
Asked in a Senate hallway about his meeting with Miller, Baucus told CNN, "I did not learn as much from the meeting as I would have liked."
"I told him that it was in his best interest to be totally cooperative -- that it's often the coverup that causes more problems than the original malfeasance," the senator said. "And just to be totally straight with me and everybody, and he said he would."
President Barack Obama was scheduled to deliver a statement Wednesday from the East Room of the White House after a meeting with senior Treasury Department officials. During the meeting, Obama will be "making sure people are held accountable for their conduct, for their activities," White House press secretary Jay Carney said.
A Democratic source told CNN's Dana Bash that Obama will discuss "IRS changes" when he makes his statement.
Meanwhile, Republican congressional leaders on Wednesday accused Obama's administration of potentially criminal behavior in the handling of requests for tax-exempt status from conservative groups.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell suggested criminal behavior had occurred, saying that the "very serious" allegations involve "an effort to bring the power of the federal government to bear on those the administration disagreed with in the middle of a heated national election."
"It actually could be, could be criminal and we are determined to get the answers," McConnell said.
House Speaker John Boehner was more definitive, declaring that "my question is, who's going to jail over this scandal?"
He told reporters that "clearly someone violated the law" in what an IRS inspector general's report described as delayed processing of applications by groups associated with the political right wing.
Attorney General Eric Holder, who ordered a criminal investigation into the situation, said Wednesday at a congressional hearing that the investigation will look at conduct of IRS offices nationwide.
"The facts will take us where ever they take us," he said.
While the allegations originated in the Cincinnati office, the Justice Department inquiry is based out of Washington, Holder said.
The comments came as all 45 Senate Republicans sent the White House a letter that called for the administration to "comply with all requests related to congressional inquiries without any delay" involving the controversy.
The letter called the scandal "yet another completely inexcusable attempt to chill the speech of political opponents and those who would question their government, consistent with a broader pattern of intimidation by arms of your administration to silence political dissent."
Meanwhile, GOP Sen. John Thune of South Dakota called Wednesday for the acting commissioner of the IRS to step down.
The clearly coordinated attacks were part of a GOP effort to increase pressure on the Obama administration over the controversy, one of three potential scandals that has the White House on the defensive less than four months into the president's second term.
Read the IRS IG report
According to the report by the agency's inspector general released Tuesday, the IRS developed and followed a faulty policy to determine whether the applicants were engaged in political activities, which would disqualify the groups from receiving tax-exempt status.
The controversial move began in early 2010 and continued for more than 18 months, the report said, declaring that "the IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention."
In a statement released late Tuesday, Obama called the report findings "intolerable and inexcusable."
"The federal government must conduct itself in a way that's worthy of the public's trust, and that's especially true for the IRS. The IRS must apply the law in a fair and impartial way, and its employees must act with utmost integrity. This report shows that some of its employees failed that test," the president said.
Opinion: The real risk of the IRS scandal
Obama also said he has directed Treasury Secretary Jack Lew "to hold those responsible for these failures accountable."
However, law professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University said it was unlikely that anyone would end up facing criminal charges.
"It's a violation of federal law, but rarely do people go to jail for it," Turley told CNN on Wednesday.
More often, criminal charges come from federal officials lying to cover up wrongdoing, rather than from following orders, he said.
"The most likely conclusion is no one would be charged, if you look at history," Turley added.
IRS officials, according to the report, did not consult anyone beyond the agency about the development of the additional screening criteria. They believed that the criteria they came up with were a screening shortcut meant to help with the influx of applications, the report said.
Will the scandal affect 2014 elections?
The controversial actions began after the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case that greatly expanded the ability of corporations, unions and other organizations to participate in election spending, though not through direct contributions to candidates or parties.
After the ruling, the number of politically oriented groups seeking tax exempt status as social welfare organizations under section 501 (c) (4) of the federal tax code increased greatly at a time when the federal government, including the IRS, was dealing with austerity measures that reduced or stagnated personnel and resources.
The IRS' top watchdog found that the criteria used to flag potential political applications resulted in substantial delays and the request of unnecessary information from the groups.
Among the criteria used by IRS officials to flag applications was a "Be On the Look Out" list, which was discontinued in 2012, according to the report.
The criteria included:
-- Whether "Tea Party," "Patriots" or "9/12 Project" was referenced in the case file.
-- Whether the issues outlined in the application included government spending, government debt or taxes.
-- Whether there was advocating or lobbying to "make America a better place to live."
-- Whether a statement in the case file criticized how the country is being run.
-- Whether it advocated education about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The investigation by the Treasury inspector general for tax administration was initiated after congressional complaints began to surface in the media in 2012 that the IRS was targeting conservative groups and holding up applications.
Obama struggles with rocky start to second term
"Whether the inappropriate criterion was shorthand for all potential political cases or not, developing and using criteria that focuses on organization names and policy positions instead of the activities permitted under the Treasury regulations does not promote public confidence that tax-exempt laws are being adhered to impartially," the report said.
The IRS welcomed the report, saying that it agreed that aspects of its original approach in handling the influx of tax-exempt applications was inappropriate.
"The IRS is required by law to determine if organizations are engaging in a legally permissible level of political activity. Centralizing these cases was necessary to achieve consistent treatment," it said in a statement.
In a written response included in the report, the IRS commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division said there was no criminal behavior behind the actions of the agents, but rather inefficient management.
IRS in the spotlight: What's a 501(c)(4)?
"We believe the front-line career employees that made the decisions acted out of a desire for efficiency and not out of any political and partisan viewpoint," the commissioner wrote.
The report's findings indicate that of the 298 cases reviewed by the IRS inspector general as potential political cases not eligible for tax exempt status: 72 contained the name "tea party," 11 contained "9/12" and 13 contained the word "patriots," according to the report. There were 202 cases that did not contain any such reference.
Of those applications still open for review, 160 cases were open from 206 days to more than three years -- through two election cycles.
Among the recommendations made by the Treasury inspector general: The IRS must better document reasons why applications are chosen for review, develop a process to track requests for assistance, develop and provide training to employees before each election cycle and immediately resolve outstanding cases.
The report also called on Treasury to develop guidelines to explain social welfare activity -- the primary factor in obtaining tax-exempt status.
Opinion: IRS abuses power in targeting tea party
The Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees the IRS, will hold a hearing on Friday. Miller, the acting IRS commissioner, and the Treasury inspector general investigating the complaints, J. Russell George, are scheduled to testify.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Benghazi e-mails released by White House

The White House has released 100 pages of internal e-mails that document the development of talking points used by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and others following the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya.
The e-mails show that the White House, State Department, FBI and the CIA all participated in shaping the talking points, which have become a flashpoint for critics of the administration’s response to the attack.

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
This is such bullsh1t. Of course the IRS investigated groups that didnt want to pay taxes. I'd be shocked if they didn't look into liberal groups too.

As far as Benghazi, Bob Gates had no problems with the response, he's proven over time to be a straight shootet. I trust him with these matters. And its to the point where they're arguing over talking points. We talkin about talking points :aicmon:

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
This is such bullsh1t. Of course the IRS investigated groups that didnt want to pay taxes. I'd be shocked if they didn't look into liberal groups too.

As far as Benghazi, Bob Gates had no problems with the response, he's proven over time to be a straight shootet. I trust him with these matters. And its to the point where they're arguing over talking points. We talkin about talking points :aicmon:

IRS Commissioner resigned :umad:

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Obama is a pu$$y. If you're calling yourself Tea Party whatever, that should be a red flag to the IRS that you're engaging in politics. Obama is so bishmade. Fukkin chump.

What makes you think this? And Why are you defending the IRS breh? There probably the most corrupt institution in government regardless of political leanings.. Im glad Obama got rid of that bum :smugbiden:

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Benghazi emails show State Department had heavy hand in watering down account of attack

WASHINGTON – State Department officials repeatedly objected to -- and tried to water down -- references to Al Qaeda and prior security warnings in Libya in the Obama administration's initial internal story-line on the Benghazi terror attack, according to dozens of emails and notes released by the White House late Wednesday.
The documents were released under pressure after whistle-blowers testified on the Hill and some email excerpts leaked to the media last week. The 100-page file showed that State Department officials were even more heavily involved in editing the "talking points" than was previously known.
One email sent on the night of the Friday after the attack from an unknown sender said: "The State Department had major reservations with much or most of the document."
Individual emails show State officials repeatedly objecting to the intelligence community's early version of events.
The early versions stated that "Islamic extremists with ties to Al Qaeda" participated in the assault and discussed links to militant group Ansar al Sharia -- and referenced prior attacks against western targets in Benghazi.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland complained that she had "serious concerns" about "arming members of Congress" to make assertions the administration was not making. "In same vein, why do we want Hill to be fingering Ansar al Sharia, when we aren't doing that ourselves until we have investigation results ... and the penultimate point could be abused by Members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings so why do we want to feed that either? Concerned ..."
The White House had until now declined to make the documents public and had let congressional investigators review the documents without making copies.
The documents describe how the administration developed "talking points" to describe what the administration wanted to discuss publicly immediately after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
What makes you think this? And Why are you defending the IRS breh? There probably the most corrupt institution in government regardless of political leanings.. Im glad Obama got rid of that bum :smugbiden:

From what I understand, these were political groups engaging in politics and they wanted to be tax exempt. They should have been targeted. It was probably way more tea party groups than liberal groups, so of course it would look like they picked on conservatives . Thats like saying David Stern picks on blacks in the nba. :ld:

Im shocked Obama just doesnt resign. Just let Joey B shine. Its clear he doesnt have the heart to fight for sh1t


Boricua Guerrero
May 6, 2012
Philly #ByrdGang #TPC
I think the AP probe is a bigger story

one of the best thing we have is a free press that keeps the government on its watch and that shouldn't be threatened


Boricua Guerrero
May 6, 2012
Philly #ByrdGang #TPC

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Associated Press probe adds to Obama's woes

They say these things come in threes.

Already facing criticism over the Benghazi attack and Internal Revenue Service problems, President Obama and aides must now deal with news that the Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of journalists who work for the Associated Press.

Obama has no public events scheduled for Tuesday, but the AP investigation will no doubt be added to the list of questions for press secretary Jay Carney at his mid-day briefing.

The Associated Press denounced the Justice Department's seizure of phone records -- apparently part of an investigation into national security leaks -- as a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into news gathering protected by the First Amendment.

Obama and aides have described congressional Republicans' investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, Libya, as "a sideshow." They have condemned the IRS admission that certain conservative groups were targeted for review of their tax-exempt status, and vowed to support a full investigation.

As for the AP probe, Carney referred questions to the Justice Department.

"Other than press reports, we have no knowledge of any attempt by the Justice Department to seek phone records of the AP," Carney said. "We are not involved in decisions made in connection with criminal investigations, as those matters are handled independently by the Justice Department."

Congressional Republicans, meanwhile, are seeking to tie the three incidents together.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has held Benghazi hearings and pledged to examine the IRS, called news of the Associated Press investigation "obviously disturbing."

Said Issa: "Americans should take notice that top Obama Administration officials increasingly see themselves as above the law and emboldened by the belief that they don't have to answer to anyone. I will work with my fellow House Chairmen on an appropriate response to Obama Administration officials."

The Associated Press itself reported:

"Rules published by the Justice Department require that subpoenas of records of news organizations must be personally approved by the attorney general (Eric Holder), but it was not known if that happened in this case. The letter notifying AP that its phone records had been obtained through subpoenas was sent Friday by Ronald Machen, the U.S. attorney in Washington.

"William Miller, a spokesman for Machen, said Monday that in general the U.S. attorney follows 'all applicable laws, federal regulations and Department of Justice policies when issuing subpoenas for phone records of media organizations.' But he would not address questions about the specifics of the AP records. 'We do not comment on ongoing criminal investigations,' Miller said in an email."

The AP also reported that the government would not say why it sought the phone records:

"Officials have previously said in public testimony that the U.S. attorney in Washington is conducting a criminal investigation into who may have provided information contained in a May 7, 2012, AP story about a foiled terror plot. The story disclosed details of a CIA operation in Yemen that stopped an al-Qaeda plot in the spring of 2012 to detonate a bomb on an airplane bound for the United States.

"In testimony in February, CIA Director John Brennan noted that the FBI had questioned him about whether he was AP's source, which he denied. He called the release of the information to the media about the terror plot an 'unauthorized and dangerous disclosure of classified information.'"